3 burners Latest Album Reviews: Kylie Auldist, Bernard Fanning, Holy Balm, Gypsy and the Cat, Alex Lloyd
by:Longzhao BBQ
Melbourne soul/funk singer Kylie Auldist came back from the UK and her song "Girl cooking on 3 stoves" has not been available.The British charts are known for several weeks as the European summer song.Before returning to a series of shows in Europe, she had already returned home.Image Source: News Australia has a new Kylie in town?Happy birthday to Bernard?How sacred is sesame oil?Is it a gypsy or a cat first?Is Alex Lloyd still great?Family TREEKYLIE AULDIST3 half-star (family tree/MGM) Kelly Auldist family tree album coverSource: strange music world of planetary arrangement of the supplier sometimes.After about a decade of touring blues and souls in Australia, a young DJ from France quickly turned Kylie Olde into the world's most excessive DJOvernight fame.She sang the girl's song to Kungs in 3 burners.But just before her belated and unexpected global pop star status, Olde has reshaped her career in the bag.The family tree is an unashamed celebration of the 70-year-old disco and the 80-year-old electronic soul, from the early Prince to Chaka Khan, Michael Jackson to the Pointer Sisters, everyone mentions eternityRandom (though it fits the schedule in its early 80 s) has a Cold Chisel cover for Saturday night.The original dim and bruised atmosphere was replaced by live funk and brass (Auldist logo), deep bass, shiny synths and her soulful national treasure vocals.It can separate the fans of the chisel, but it can show a great song.From Oz rock to disco.The album is a collaboration between Auldist and her bamboo teammate Lance Ferguson and Graeme Bergson --They take a step back in time and give enough attention to the details to prevent this from being just an imitation.In Madonna's first album, the sensation and reward slip away easily --All retro synths and disco grooves, the latter with flute and 808 drum machine.Title track Channel snazzy and Sister Sledge, too easy, stupid punk met Donna chamm, and the sound in Studio 54 at three o'clock A.M. certainly didn't change.The most important thing is that Auldist has a good time here and is very infectious./CAMERON said firmly, such as: sunshine, Moonlight, good time. One sentence: it's time to buy, man.
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