6 burner gas bbq grill with side burner Western-Style Grilled Spareribs
by:Longzhao BBQ
If necessary, direct the ribs, rub the sides of the ribs with dry friction, and put them into the meat.Place the ribs in a shallow glass or ceramic tray, cover them, place them at room temperature for no more than 30 minutes, or refrigerate for 24 hours.Alternatively, place the ribs in a sealed plastic bag for cold storage.Prepare a charcoal or gas grill to arrange coal for indirect cooking.Spray the grill gently with a vegetable cooking spray.Coal should be hot.Place the spareribs, meat sides on the hottest spot on the fire and bake for about 10 minutes until there is a clear grill mark on the meat.Transfer the ribs to the grill, the cooler part of the lid, turn the ribs every 15 to 20 minutes and cook for about 1/2 hours.If a charcoal grill is used, add fresh coal to maintain medium heat;If a gas grill is used, remove the heat on the burner from the meat--Turn off the burner under the meat.Cut the ribs between the bones and add sauce to the side.Dry rubbing of Pepper: mix the ingredients in a glass jar or bowl.Shake well with the lid.Refrigerate until ready for use.
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