

by:Longzhao BBQ     2020-01-09
Florence FABRICANTMAY 1982 this is a digital version of an article from the print archive of the times, before its online publication began in 1996.To keep these articles as they appear initially, the Times will not change, edit, or update them.There are occasional copywriting errors or other problems during the digitization process.Please send a report of such issues to archid_feedback @ nytimes.com.The steak is ready for the grill.But how about the grill?Is it ready?Often, about 10 minutes before the fire, anyone in charge of the event will think of preparing barbecue equipment for outdoor cooking in another season.With a little planning in advance, finallyIt is possible to avoid a few minutes to clean the grille and find a usable baking brush and a pair of oven gloves.The condition of the grill is the most important.Whether your equipment is driven by gas, charcoal, or electricity, the wire grille on which the food is placed is likely not to be seen from last summer's barbecue or to accumulate burnt deposits.Unless you remember to clean up before the cold weather arrives, it should be cleaned now or replaced with a new grille ordered from a manufacturer or retail store with a grill you like.One of the widely sold chemical oven cleaners in the supermarket simplifies the cleaning of the grill.Soaking the grate with hot water and detergent and then scrubbing with a wash pad is another satisfactory method.Consider buying a hard wire brush for cleaning the grill so you can scrub it when it cools after each use.This will prevent future construction.Grease and burnt food particles.Advertise a strong fork and spatula that can lift 3 pounds of meat without bendingSome thick flame, treatment brush for bakingA roll of heavy flame retardant glovesTariff aluminum foil is some of the other useful barbequeing accessories that should be on hand at the beginning of the season.Twelve-inch-Long metal skewers are handy for skewers made of meat, poultry or fish.Advertising foil can be used not only to package foods such as shredded fish or clams that can be steamed on the grill, but also to wrap chicken with a tendency to focus.You can cover the grating with a piece of foil that is heavily punctured by holes and grilles on the surface.The foil can allow the heat and typical smoke smell to penetrate in, but it will slow the excessive burning.Consider using this method, especially when the barbecue sauce is sweet with brown sugar, honey, syrup, or corn syrup, this method can quickly merge and black the food.The best for grilling is poultry, fish and shellfish, as well as tender slices of beef, veal and lamb.A well-The flavored BBQ sauce enhances the flavor, and when used as a marinade, it can tender other parts, such as the London Grill.Barbecue sauce usually tastes sweet, sour or spicy, most of which contain sour ingredients such as vinegar, wine or lemon juice.Acid is a softening agent.It is for this reason that yogurt is used as a marinade in India and the Middle East.Make your own BBQ sauce just to combine ready-made ingredients with spices to taste.The sauce made at home does not contain preservatives and monosodium glutamate.Allow one-Half a cup of barbecue sauce with enough meat, fish or poultry for four people.Double if you are going to use it as a marinade.Please click on the box to confirm that you are not a robot.The email address is invalid.Please re-enter.You must select the newsletter you want to subscribe.View all New York Times newsletters.6-An ounce can be served with tomato sauce 1/3 cups of honey 1/3 cups of white wine or apple cider vinegar 1/3 cups of red wine 4 tablespoons of Worcester County sauce 1 1/2 teaspoon of chili powder 1/4 teaspoon of Tabasco, or taste.1.Mix all the ingredients together and use them as a pork chop or pork ribs, chicken, beef, hamburger, sausage marinade and roast meat sauce.Yield: 2 cups.Barbecue sauce, lemon bean juice with 2 lemons (about 6 tablespoons of juice), 4 tablespoons of soy sauce, 4 tablespoons of Dijon mustard, and 2 tablespoons of edible oil.Put all the ingredients together.Used as a marinade and roast meat sauce for pork, beef, lamb, veal, chicken, Burger, liver, kidney, sailfish, Blue Fish.Yield: 1 cup.4 tbsp olive oil 1/2 cup dry red or white wine 4 tbsp taracon vinegar 1 teaspoon chopped garlic 2 to 3 teaspoons oregano or Baili, or a mix of plenty of fresh black pepper.All materials of AdvertisementBeat.White wine should be used for chicken, veal or fish (Sailfish, striped bass, Blue Fish, munch fish, salmon, scallops, shrimp) in marinade and roasted sauce;Red wine used with lamb, beef or pork.Yield: 1 cup.Yogurt marinade and grilled sauce 1/4 cups onion 1 large cloves garlic, 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 cup of original yogurt, 1 teaspoon of coriander, 1/2 teaspoon of coriander, 1/2 teaspoon of cumin, teaspoon of ginger and pepper.1.Put onions, garlic, lemon juice and two tablespoons of yogurt into the blender.Mix at high speed until fairly smooth.2.Stir this mixture into the yogurt and add the remaining ingredients.Used as a marinade and baking sauce for chicken, veal, lamb, minced meat, fish and shellfish.Output: 1/4 cups.A version of this article was printed on page 11011013 of the National edition on May 23, 1982 with the title: food;Tips for BBQ and sauce.
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