
After floods, Valley braces for fast plummeting temperatures - best long burning charcoal

by:Longzhao BBQ     2020-04-25
After floods, Valley braces for fast plummeting temperatures  -  best long burning charcoal
After the flood, the cold winter stared at the homeless in heaven.
Official estimates show that 516 buildings, including houses, government offices and commercial institutions, were damaged in floods in the state except Srinagar, the worst-hit area still being identified.
The Kashmir Centre for Social and Development Studies (KCSDS) has placed the number of houses damaged or washed away at three lakh sites, calculated at the Rs10 lakh rate per damaged household, resulting in
Many people were homeless after the house collapsed or damaged and could not be repaired.
As winter approaches and temperatures drop rapidly, the homeless are in trouble.
There have been cracks in our house.
We were reminded not to live there, but we had no choice.
"We need a roof," said Mansour Ahmed of chattabar . ".
The winter in Kashmir is long and hard. the cold lasted for six months and the temperature dropped to minus five degrees Celsius.
People need to keep warm with burning charcoal.
But the flood washed things away with the house.
"I have a shop full of charcoal in winter.
But the water washed everything away.
We tried to buy charcoal to replenish our inventory, but the price soared.
"The price of a ton of charcoal is 3,500 rupees," said Haseena Nazir, a housewife at Bilal Colony . ".
The losses in each affected area of Kashmir appear to be high;
More is inside and outside the famous Dal Lake, where there are many houses built by the United Nationsbaked and half-
The bricks collapsed.
The government of Jammu and Kashmir has announced compensation of 75 rupees for completely damaged houses and 20 rupees and 10 rupees for some damaged houses.
"Even if there is a house that does not seem to be affected by the outside world, it is dangerous to live.
"Most of the old houses are built with mud, and they have cracks that can put life at risk," said structural engineer Parvez Ahmad . ".
The chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Omar Abdullah, said that due to the limited working season before the start of winter, the cost of residential construction in the valley was much higher than in other parts of the country.
"The central government must agree to additional general funding for the reconstruction of homes that are completely damaged and partially damaged by affected families," Omar said . ".
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