
an emotional journey down 'revolutionary road' - built in stainless steel charcoal grill

by:Longzhao BBQ     2020-04-24
an emotional journey down \'revolutionary road\'  -  built in stainless steel charcoal grill
In the most basic sense, Frank, the main character of Richard Yates 1961 novel "Revolutionary Road", and Wheeler in April were ordinary people.
He works in the city of what he calls "hopeless tedious work; " she's a stay-at-
Mother of two children
They live in the street named after the novel, in a biscuit --
Suburban Carter in ConnecticutIn the 300-
Plus a few pages of the novel, nothing unusual happened to them, at least until the end: Frank and April dealt with discontent and fear, pregnancy and ambition, with the dream of running away
However, despite the lack of a superficial pizzazz, every time I read it, the revolutionary road seems to be getting more and more moving and becoming more and more about mid-
America in the 20 th century
Like me, people living in the suburbs will recognize Frank and the world of April, but Yates set his novel very precisely in 1955, that fulcrum year, when the United States tilted up the first quarter
A century of restraint and failure to do so, and half of the future, when greater sexual freedom will question all restraint.
Like America's greatest literary work, the revolutionary road is about inheritance: What we inherit from our ancestors, and even if we believe we have broken free, we will never be able to get rid of it.
Frank wants to be a rebel in the suburbs. his own man —
But he can't stop feeling his world is getting less and less next to his father's world.
"He continues to believe that there is something unique and wonderful in the hands of his father," Yates said, although we finally understand how small and threatened the old man's world is, but this statement illustrates the continued burden of the past.
Yates beautifully evokes another element of the past: the way the lost generation of the 19 th century instilled in their 50-year-old children is their dream to escape from Europe.
On the days of Frank and April, you can breathe the smell of old romantics in the United States, and the way this romantics lingers on ordinary couples.
But perhaps the novel implies that it also poisoned them.
Frank and April feel their emotional distance from the safe and comfortable suburban world;
Not only did Yates describe in detail what was truly suffocating '50 s expectations, but also showed us how the 'Nautical Dream' got too much-easy and ill-thought-
For those who think they are superior to that world, this is an escape route.
When "I don't know who I am" was announced later in the novel in April, that very familiar line --
A line where all rights should land like clichés.
It turned into a heart-breaking moment instead.
By then we have seen how immature the young couple is, but how deep they are stuck in the world they are trying to escape.
Richard Yates is a famous pessimistic writer. there is no doubt that although the revolutionary road is a very pleasant read, it is not emotionally easy.
Whenever I read about it, I began to see the world like Yates: the clothes hanging on my clothesline began to look a little shabby and my suburban house was in urgent need of repair.
But this is only a small price for yates's clarity.
The deeper I get into marriage and parenting.
Port Yates
I think the more important this clarity is.
You have to read this article made and edited by Alan Silva.
The last sound of death in their rehearsal made the team members of the raolre stand there, silently helpless, flashing on the foot lights of an empty auditorium, and can't do anything.
They hardly dared to breathe because their director appeared from the bare seat and joined their stage, when he pulled a ladder from his wings screeching and climbed half of its horizontal gear, turn around and tell them that there are a few open spaces in his throat. they are a group of very talented people and a group of very good people.
"It's not an easy job," he said . " His glasses sparkled thoughtfully on the stage.
"We 've had a lot of problems here, and frankly, I'm going to quit more or less myself and don't expect too much. Well, listen.
Maybe it sounds old-fashioned, but something happened here tonight.
Sitting outside tonight, I suddenly knew that deep down, you all put your heart into work for the first time.
"He let the fingers of one hand pass through the pocket of the shirt, showing how simple and real the heart is;
Then he turned the same hand into a fist, and he shook slowly and speechless in a long, dramatic pause, closing his eyes, let his moist lower lip curl in the face of victory and pride.
"Do it again tomorrow night," he said. "We will have a wonderful performance.
They could have cried with relief.
Instead, they quivered cheering, laughing, shaking hands, kissing, someone went out for a beer and they all sang together and they had better turn it off and have a good night's sleep.
"See you tomorrow!
"They called happily like a child and rode the moon home and they found they could roll down the window of the car and let the air in because of its health --
It smells of fertile soil and flowers.
This is the first time many Laurel players have acknowledged the arrival of spring.
This year is 1955, part of West Connecticut, and the last three swollen villages have been merged by a wide and noisy road called Route 12.
Laurel players are an amateur company, but the cost is high, very serious, and are carefully recruited from young people in all three towns, their debut.
Gather in each other's living room all winter, talk excitedly about ib students, Shaw and O'Neill, and raise your hand
Sense majority chose the petrochemical forest and then conducted a preliminary screening, and they felt that their dedication was increasing every week.
They may think privately that their director is an interesting villain.
In a way, he seems to have nothing but a very serious way of speaking, and often ends his comments with a slight head shake, which causes his cheeks to shake)
But they like and respect him, and most of what they say to him is fully believed.
He once told them: "Any drama should get the best that any actor must give . " Another time: "Remember this.
We're not just putting on a play here.
We are building a community theater, which is a very important thing.
"The problem is that from the very beginning, they are afraid that they will be fooled and they are afraid to acknowledge this and exacerbate this fear.
At first, their rehearsal took place on Saturday.
It seems that on the afternoon of February or 3, the sky is white, the trees are black, the brown fields and the humpback on the ground, lying naked and soft between the dry snow piles.
The players came out of their various kitchen doors and hesitated for a minute to buckle their coats or Bulls on their gloves, and they would see a landscape that was only a few very old and seemed to belong to a weathered House;
This makes their own home look like there is no weight, and it doesn't last long, just as stupidly misplaced as many bright new toys, which are left outdoors overnight and it's raining.
Their cars don't look right either.
In the colors of candy and ice cream, the unnecessary wide and sparkling, seems to have flinch from every plate of mud, and they are sorry to crawl along the broken road that leads from all directions to the depths, the water plate on Highway 12.
Once there, the car seems to be able to relax in its own environment, a long, bright valley of colored plastic, flat glass and stainless steel --
King KONE Hotel, Playa gas, SHOPORAMA, dining-
But in the end, they had to turn off one by one and move along the winding rural road leading to Central High School;
They had to stop in the quiet parking lot high outside
School Auditorium"Hi!
"The players will call each other shyly. "Hi! . . . ""Hi! . . .
They will go in reluctantly.
They gathered heavy sets of shoes on the stage, sucked their noses with paper towels, frowned at the unstable printing of the script, and they would eventually disarm each other with a tolerant laugh, they would agree over and over, not enough time, and they all know that doubling and doubling their rehearsal schedule seems to only make things worse.
Long after the time the director said, "really get this thing off the ground," came;
"It is still a static, invisible, non-human weight;
They read, again and again, in each other's eyes the promise of failure, in their separate apologetic nod and smile, and in their cramming rush of breaking for the car, they drove home, go there and wait for any old, not-so-clear they might show up
Tonight, twenty.
They managed to turn it off four hours later.
Dizzy in the unfamiliar feeling of manufacture-
On the first warm night of the year, they forgot the fear: they let the action of the play carry them, breaking like the waves;
Maybe it sounds old.
What if so? )
But they are all devoted to their work.
Can anyone ask for more?
The next night, the audience in a clean car was also very serious.
Like the players, most of them are in the middle-aged younger generation, dressed beautifully in what The New York clothing store says is rural casual clothes.
In terms of education, employment and health, anyone can see that they are better than the general population, and it is clear that they think it is an important night.
Of course, they all know that when they walk in and sit down, they say this again and again, the petrified forest is hardly one of the greatest plays in the world.
But, after all, this is an excellent theatrical work with a basic point of view, as effective today as it was in its thirties (
"More effectively," a man kept telling his wife that he bit her lips, nodded, and understood what he meant;
"More effective when you think of it ").
The main thing, however, is not the drama itself, but the company-its brave idea, its healthy, hopeful voice: a very good community theater was born here, among them.
That's the reason to attract them, enough for them to fill more than half of the auditorium, and as the lights of the House dim, that's the reason to prepare them quietly and nervously for entertainment.
The curtains hung up on a set, and the back wall of the set was still shaking with the last shock of the stage hand --
Minutes of escape, the first few lines of conversation were blurred by the scraping and slamming of the unexpected noise outside the stage.
These small obstacles are signs of growing hysteria among Laurel players, but across from the foot lights they seem to only add to the sense of excellence that is coming.
They seemed to say excitedly: Wait a minute;
It has not really started yet.
We are a little nervous here, but please bear with us.
Soon there was no need to apologize again as the audience was watching the girl who played the heroine Gabrielle.
Her name was Wheeler in April. when she first walked through the stage, she let the word "cute" roll out in the auditorium.
After a while someone said hopefully, "she's fine," among a few people who happened to know she was attending one of New York's leading theater schools less than a decade ago, A solemn nod of pride.
She was twenty-
Nine years old, a tall gray blonde with aristocratic beauty that can't be distorted no matter how much amateur lighting she seems to be the ideal character.
It doesn't matter if giving birth to two children makes her hips and thighs too heavy, as she moves with the shy sexy elegance of her teenage years;
Anyone who happens to see Frank Wheeler
Intelligent Face
The young man sitting in the last row of spectators biting his fist would say that he looks more like her suitor than her husband.
"Sometimes I feel like I'm shining all over, and I want to go out and do something absolutely crazy and incredible," she says. . .
In the background, the other actors crowded together, listening, suddenly fell in love with her.
Or at least they are ready to love her, even those who hate her for the occasional lack of humility in rehearsal, because she suddenly becomes their only hope.
An excerpt from Richard Yates's Revolutionary Road©192. 168. 1,1989.
Reprinted with the permission of Vintage Books, a department of Random House, Inc.
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