
assault on salt: uruguay bans shakers in restaurants and schools - wood burning fire pit with grill

by:Longzhao BBQ     2020-05-07
assault on salt: uruguay bans shakers in restaurants and schools  -  wood burning fire pit with grill
A typical Uruguayan barbecue, or barbecue, made of large pieces of beef, pork, or chicken, baked next to the grill --not on top of —
Fire burning wood
At the palila restaurant, opposite the parliament building in Mondeville, the assados restaurant is quite spectacular;
The cut of fat hisses and is then slapped onto your plate and oozes the juice.
But if you want to take a salt bottle and add a little extra salt to your meal these days in the capital of Uruguay, you can't.
"People are no longer allowed to put salt on the table," said Lucia soría, owner of the restaurant in montevia Jacinto . ".
She said the city government believes it is illegal to put salt in restaurants.
No mayonnaise. Or ketchup.
In fact, almost anything that contains a large amount of sodium is banned.
You have to ask for it if you want it. Not like in America. S.
-The last administration of New York City failed to pass laws restricting the size of soft drinks-
Other countries like Uruguay, in the name of public health, play a more active role in what you can eat and what you can't eat.
Soría said she did not like the practice of this kind of interference.
"I think this is the wrong thing to do, and I think we have to try to teach people not to eat unsafe salt in large quantities," she said . ".
Public health officials in Uruguay believe education can only do so much.
"Uruguay's consumption of national sodium is about 9 grams per person, twice as recommended by the World Health Organization," said Pablo Anzalone, Director of Public Health in Mongolia.
According to Uruguay's Ministry of Health, more than 30% of the population suffers from high blood pressure.
Uruguay is also the country with the highest percentage of obese children in the region.
It's not just taking the salt out of the table.
The salt law also stipulates that there needs to be a warning on the menu about salt consumption, and restaurants need to have low salt consumption.
Provide customers with sodium alternatives.
Nationwide, the Baker also agreed to reduce the sodium content in the product by 10%.
Anzalone said it is the responsibility of the government to protect citizens from the wrong choices.
"People make decisions based on the conditioned reflections and advertising that big companies publish.
This is now a serious public health problem . "
Uruguay's left-wing leaders have a history of involvement in a number of countries seen as private issues.
The new president, Tabarre Basquez, is a former doctor who supports Uruguay's tough-
The law of smoking during his first term.
He recently announced a war on drinking.
Liber Bisciottano works in a premium restaurant in mondevia.
So far, no figures have shown whether the laws enacted a few years ago have really made a difference.
Although there is indirect evidence that it is changing people's habits, he said.
"I worked in a restaurant for 11 years and at first only 20% of people didn't add salt to the food and now about 20% do that," he said . ".
He said he supported the law except for one thing.
"It makes us have to work harder because we have to go more --
"Come back to the kitchen to get the salt," he said . ".
"I think it added a mile to my day.
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