
bc ferries considers axing horseshoe bay-nanaimo route (with video) - natural gas grills

by:Longzhao BBQ     2020-04-27
bc ferries considers axing horseshoe bay-nanaimo route (with video)  -  natural gas grills
The BC Ferry is considering major changes to the service between Vancouver Island and the mainland, including the closure of a Nanaimo Pier and the delivery of all traffic through Tsawwassen instead of Horseshoe Bay.
These proposals are part of a massive rethink of the BC Ferry
Trying to drive down billions of dollars in new capital costs, eventually slowing the rapid rise in fares.
Last month, they quietly posted a "efficiency plan" on the website of the independent ferry commissioner and got confirmation from the ferry company and the government on Tuesday.
No final decision was made, but Transport Minister Todd Stone said on Tuesday that the BC Ferry was analyzing the situation with the aim of conducting public consultation in the medium term
By the end of that year, 2015 and final decisions were made.
"It is reasonable to consider a scene in non ---to-
In an interview with the Vancouver Sun on Tuesday, Stone said: "In the distant future, the vast majority of traffic from Nanaimo may pass through Tsawwassen . ".
"But these decisions have not been made yet, and (BC Ferries)
Even in the early stages of looking at it.
"In the early hours of Wednesday, at the Horseshoe Bay pier, almost all passengers interviewed were firmly opposed to BC ferries's proposal to cancel the route between Horseshoe Bay and Nanaimo.
Some people didn't want to name themselves, but a woman was clearly frustrated and said she was "100" against the idea.
Heather Walker often works in downtown Vancouver, takes the Departure Bay ferry, and then goes to the city center by bus in Horseshoe Bay.
She didn't have a car and she said it was "impossible" to take a longer ferry to Tsawwassen and then two cars"
Bus to Vancouver.
"I have been walking from Nanaimo to work.
This is impossible. . it's crazy.
"I know a lot of people who travel this route and it will be a huge deal for them," said Simon girora . ".
"This is a huge drive (Tsawwassen)for them. . .
I don't think it's a good idea.
"It's ridiculous," said Carol Fanni . " She is traveling from Horseshoe Bay to Nanaimo, where she has lived for 20 years.
"I have to go to Tsawwassen one and this is my way out.
Lisa Piertro of Bowen Island says there will be much less traffic at the pier, but it will be a bad business.
"I think this is not good for the tourism industry in northern Vancouver Island.
It will be inconvenient for people who live there, but it will also be more inconvenient for tourists.
"Not long after 8.
M, the first ferry from Departure Bay arrived, commuters lined up on the bus, but many rushed across the street to the nearest coffee shop before leaving work to get the morning java Buzz
Alfred Haley has owned this shop across the street from Horseshoe Bay pier for 10 years.
He said the proposal was deeply disturbing.
"It will definitely kill our business," he said . " He added that he has noticed that business has been slowing since ferry fees have increased.
"The vast majority of our customers are from ferry services.
Hailey said he wants the public to be fully involved, noting that many small business owners in Horseshoe Bay will be affected.
This is the first time BC Ferry has publicly overhauled its profitable main route between Vancouver Metro and Vancouver Island, which accounts for 80 of its revenue and subsidizes funds.
Lost small routes to coastal and Gulf Islands.
Reduce or end Nanaimo-
The Horseshoe Bay route may mean that drivers from Nanaimo have to stop at Tsawwassen and then cross the Vancouver Metro all the way back to North Shore and West Vancouver.
The key to the discussion is the $0. 2 billion upgrade, BC Ferries said the transfer deck at Horseshoe Bay needs to be upgraded.
It's the biggest non.
In the next 10 to 12 years, the cost of the capital-planned vessel is nearly $3 billion, and Stone says he has challenged whether it is really necessary to get to the BC Ferry.
Any changes to the Horseshoe Bay service are intertwined with whether the BC Ferry will need six new major vessels in the next 15 years and whether Nanaimo should continue to be serviced by two ferry terminals, according to the efficiency document, at Departure Bay and Duke Point.
"What I said [BC Ferries CEO]
People at Mike Corgan and BC Ferry now it's time to see if we continue to need two docks in Nanaimo or if the two can be merged into one, Stone said: "Maybe at Duke. ".
"From the choice of Horseshoe Bay, what is the long-term view?
Corrigan said: "Even if Nanaimo's traffic is transferred from Horseshoe Bay to Tsawwassen, Horseshoe Bay still needs a smaller terminal to serve the smaller Bowen Island and sunshine
"There is no situation where the Horseshoe Bay pier is not there," Corgan said in an interview . ".
"The only situation could be to move a route out there or to move half of the route out there.
He said: "It is also possible to see passenger service from the island.
Due to port congestion, terrain challenges, scheduling problems, limited dock space, the Horseshoe Bay pier is restricted, the efficiency report wrote, the vehicle traffic backlog and any construction will undermine the "significant increase in risk" of the $0. 2 billion budget ". The new 40-
BC Ferry and Stone said the km South Fraser Perimeter Road connecting the Tsawwassen pier and North Surrey has raised the potential for more Island traffic to land at Tsawwassen.
Ferry companies have to consider all the options to optimize the system and save as much money as possible, said Corgan, and Horseshoe Bay is a "very difficult dock.
"All the choices are on the table," he said . ".
"No decision was made.
The ferry document acknowledges that the comprehensive proposal will "challenge the historical established concept of how BC Ferry services are delivered to the medium term
Island Corridor, need to change the behavior of customers.
"The report lists many new ideas for reducing costs, buying fewer ships, changing routes and overhaul booking systems in order to save millions of dollars over the next 10 to 20 years, fight against low passenger load and rising costs
Private ferry companies are in financial trouble.
Most changes require Stone's approval.
He said he was pleased that the BC ferry company was conducting a detailed analysis.
"The decisions we make in the coming months related to Nanaimo and Horseshoe Bay will greatly help us achieve our inflation-linked fare growth target," he said . ".
Holly camp said any change to the Horseshoe Bay Pier would hurt 35 businesses in Horseshoe Bay village that rely on ferry traffic, president of Horseshoe Bay Business Association and general manager of troll restaurant.
"This will destroy the village and destroy the value of the property," she said . ".
Kemp, who hired a lobbyists, said she has been hearing rumors about changes in the terminal for the past two years.
West Vancouver Mayor Michael Smith questioned whether the pier really needed a $0. 2 billion job.
He said the public would be disappointed with any change or closure of the pier.
"This is a key part of the business Village of Horseshoe Bay," he said . ".
"We obviously support the ferry terminal that stays there.
But the mayor of northern Vancouver, Darrell Massato, said he would support the idea of researching the redirect of ferry traffic to Tsawwassen, as it would prevent traffic backups and bridges that exist on the north shore.
"If the Nanaimo traffic coming to Horseshoe Bay is blocking all the roads on the north shore, he said:" It makes sense to start thinking about moving the run to another place, which will cause congestion on the local roads . ". The B. C.
The government provided most of BC ferries's funding, ordering the company to reduce the route in 2013 as part of $84.
To stabilize the company's rising fares and falling passenger traffic, spending was cut by 2 million and efficiency was improved.
The BC Ferry has returned to its surplus, but it has also angered some users by high fees and service cuts, canceling free rides for the elderly, and propose to install slot machines on some major routes to increase revenue.
The efficiency report also outlines $45.
Some diesel conversion is expected to save 4 million by 2020
To power cheaper liquefied natural gas.
In addition, it proposes to save $10.
3 million by redeveloping the booking system, customers can purchase tickets for specific flights in advance, allowing ferry companies to better plan their needs and increase online sales by about 400.
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