best propane grill A healthier cookout - Times of India
by:Longzhao BBQ
Smoking and direct access to food can increase the risk of cancer, experts say.When most of us are worried that the rain will spoil our fun, scientists raise a bigger concern: eating barbecue, fish and poultry can cause cancer.So how much should we worry?In recent years, more and more research has found that cooking meat on flames will increase our chances of exposure to cancer --Will produce carcinogens known as PAH and HCAs.These can destroy the DNA in our genes and can lead to skin, liver, stomach and other types of cancer.And this risk applies to other highHot cooking techniques such as frying and grilling, PCBs and HCAs are caused by smoke and direct contact with food, so grilling can pose more risks.The meat we eat at the barbecue will also cause problems.The increase in Hamburg consumption is associated with an increase in risk of advanced prostate cancer.Processed red meat such as ribs and sausages is linked to digestive cancer.Meat itself is a risk, but part of the concern is also due to the chemicals used to preserve these products.The build-When we grill, carcinogens occur in one of three waysBy being contaminated by smoke on the surface of the food, through the decomposition of fat, protein and carbohydrates when the food is cooked, or, by dripping fat from meat or poultry onto a hot afterfire, causing a chemical reaction.The third is the most common so far, because dripping fat also produces more smoke.So, the less fat the better.Cooking on a natural gas or propane grill can reduce pollution from emissions and therefore be safer.Of course, it doesn't bring traditional smoke to the food.When coal burns in the heat, and we cook on it, the smoke emitted contains toxic gases such as carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons.Too much breathing can be harmful to the lungs.It's not a coincidence that there are also in cigarette smoke.After ingestion, we will enter our cells directly.Unlike meat, when vegetables are burnt, they do not produce carcinogens, because the formation of HCAs depends on the presence of muscle mass, which is mainly present in muscle tissue.Lack of fat also means no flashUps that can produce smoke.Smart Barbie tips to lower the temperature on the gas grill to prevent meat from burning.Ideally, use a barbecue with a temperature control dial.» Part-Cook larger items, such as chicken nuggets, in a microwave or oven before grilling to reduce burning.Marinate the meat and form a barrier between the formation of the meat and HCAs.Soak it overnight in a beer to tender it, add flavor, and reduce aromatic hydrocarbons by 50%.Use non-smoking BBQ and built in BBQin battery-Electric fan, prevent smoking barbecue, prevent inhalation of carcinogens.Turning to seafood, seafood is usually less than meat, and cooking time is shorter.Choose lean meat and trim any fat before grilling to reduce dripping water and flame burningups.Shorten grill time by ovenRoast or pansearing meat.Clean the grill after use to avoid residual chemicals.Cut the meat into smaller pieces to reduce cooking time and flip the food frequently.If you don't do anything, remove the burnt part before eating.
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