
BP oil rig’s sinking and gushing crude raise questions - the best gas bbq grills

by:Longzhao BBQ     2020-05-05
BP oil rig’s sinking and gushing crude raise questions  -  the best gas bbq grills
Around 10 p. m.
April 20 local time-a floating oil-
Leased to-drilling platform
There were explosions and fires about 40 miles off the coast of Luis Anna.
While the consequences of this devastating accident are now being observed and recorded in painful details, even the most basic features that cause the accident remain vague.
The platform belongs to Switzerland-
The company claims to be "the world's largest offshore drilling contractor ".
"At the time of the accident, there were 126 crew members in this huge floating facility.
The devastating blowout killed 11 people, including nine employees across the ocean.
This is a tragedy in any case.
This incident also triggered an epic environmental tragedy --
Measured by thousands of jobs, toxic wildlife, and endangered food supplies, the Obama/industrial plan has suffered setbacks in promoting offshore drilling, and generally distract people from other pressing issues today.
Obviously, a lot of people want to know what's wrong.
The most important of these is the reason why the fail-safe "" system failed to complete its work.
Congress will have a chance to grill oil next week
When the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee investigated the company's safety measures and emergency measures, industry officials said.
But some in the industry are also widely speculating about the accident.
Including the CEO and senior well-
The control supervisor is in.
Headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, half of his
Century Petroleum Canada-
Well fire, blowout, pipe rupture and treatmentfacility fires.
He was curious about why BP had to put out the rig fire as quickly as possible.
"At least when the rig is burning, all the sewage from the well is surfaced and burned on the surface," Miller noted . ".
Yes, oil.
Even on the sea
Is a recognized leak.
Mitigation Technology.
So he was confused as to why water vessels were deployed to cut off the burning platform.
"What they do is fill the rig with water.
Miller said: "It sank at this point.
5,000 feet from the bottom of the sea
He insisted that it violated the first rule of "Fire at Sea --
Not a battle to hit a shipwreck.
The reason is: once the rig is submerged, it takes the riser off, in which case the riser is 5,000-foot-
Oil spews long ropes from reservoirs below 13,000 feet below the sea floor.
This riser is more than just loose and fall when the platform sinks: it's crumpled.
In the place of severe bending, it weakened and opened at least two secondary gushers.
So instead of letting oil come out as a fountain on the surface of the Bay --
What people can reach
Now, it spews from multiple holes in the damaged pipe nearly a mile below the surface.
Trying to stop the submarine plume by activating the fault blowout preventer "is like opening-
Heart surgery was performed at 5,000 feet [under]. . .
In the dark, with robots
Control the submarine.
"Or at least this is a colorful picture provided by the chairman and chairman of the US at BP on abc's.
In that interview, McKay speculated that the accident was caused by some equipment failures.
He was referring to the blowout preventer.
Interestingly, news reports quoted BP's chief executive as saying the device had been tested --
And execute as expected
Just a few days before the explosion. Rep. (D-Calif.
), Chairman and (D-Mich.
), In his letter of April 29, the chairman jointly requested that McKay and President Transocean Steve Newman "provide copies of these inspection reports, as well as any other inspection reports at therig, including all inspections of the blowout preventer.
Members of Congress also asked Mackay and Newman to send any documents, including internal memos, to explain why there is no remote backup security system called Deepwater Horizon
Controlled Sound off switch for drill pipe.
Lawmakers say such backups are usually used outside the bay.
Miller noted that offshore drilling in deep water
Anything 1,000 feet deep
This is a fairly new business.
But as is known, oil reserves have been mined.
Exploration operations are increasingly moving to more challenging locations.
Some offshore drilling is being developed to operate on platforms floating about two miles under the sea floor.
Miller argues, "there's a problem doing this now, just because [these deep and ultra-deep waters]
Deep wells] it's hard to deal with when things go wrong.
"If the spray-proof valve does not start, McKay has said that BP will invest in an expensive pipeline to drill into the holes they have been using.
Mud and cement will be pumped into the hole, blocking the line and stopping the gushers.
It may take two to three months to make this line, get it to the site and insert it.
At the same time, BP promised to implement a temporary repair: insert a "containment dome" at a major leak ".
This is a huge taper with a hole in the top.
The oil collected inside will be drawn to the surface.
McKay said in an interview that the dome has been forged and is working to "mobilize and deploy ".
In about six to eight days.
"The fact sheet prepared for the Crown indicates that the core of this collection system will be 125-
Tons of taper units will drop on the largest fuel injection source.
A new riser connects the top to the water boat-the .
There, the oil extracted will be separated from water and natural gas.
It is then stored on a floating platform or adjacent barge.
According to the fact sheet, the system "collects up to 85% of oil from the bottom of the sea.
However, it also states, "This is the first time this system has been used in this water depth.
Miller said: "Even in shallow places, this device has the habit of making an impression.
"I would be very surprised if they got a small percentage --
Say 10%
But we all want to get the best results, because in the next few months, if these oil
The containment measures did not meet expectations.
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