
camping grill rack How to Make a Fire Pit in the Sand

by:Longzhao BBQ     2019-11-10
camping grill rack How to Make a Fire Pit in the Sand
The fire pit usually used during Camping is an important part of fire safety, can keep the fire where you want it and limit the risk of the fire spreading.Whether in the desert or on the beach, sand can be a fast, easy fire pit because it is soft and easy to shovel.Instrutionsdifficulty: The Bonfire of the rule of ModerateVerify.If you are in a beach or wilderness area, please ask the appropriate authorities if the bonfire is allowed and the regulations related to the implementation of the bonfire.Ecosystems in areas such as deserts are often fragile, so it is important to comply with fire regulations.Set up your fire pit in a flat open area 15 feet or more from any flammable item.It should be easy on the beach or on the open beach, but look around and make sure there is no such thing as logs, low branches or brushes that will catch fire.Clear any small objects such as sticks and grass in the campfire area.You should have a clearance area about 10 feet in diameter.Find your fire pit.One advantage of the sand is that it's easy to mark where you want to dig.Circle around the sand with a stick or your feet.Two to 3 feet is a good starting point for a normal fire, but you might want to make it a bit bigger.Remember to follow any rules about the size of the fire.Dig the pit.Dig the sand so you can clear 1-foot hole.Circle the lips of the fire pit with stones or bricks.Put the rocks next to each other so they come into contact.If you don't have rocks, pile up sand on the edge of the fire pit.The prompt and warning article written by Joe Fletcher has been a writer since 2002 and has started his political and legislative career.He has written travel and outdoor entertainment articles for various print and online publications, including Rocky Mountain Magazine and bomb snow."He received a bachelor's degree in political science from Rutgers University.
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