caring for cast iron pans - how to clean cast iron
by:Longzhao BBQ
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For a long time, cast iron pot has been the main force of the kitchen.
The beasts can still be perfect from open fire to hot coal, to a baked oven.
The shiny black surface is naturally notstick (
Worried about no toxic Teflon)
The food tastes good.
When properly taken care of, they will last for decades, and even the old abusive cast iron pans can be restored to usable state with a little bit of work ready for decades of cooking.
The trick to having a cast iron cooker longer than you --
And your grandson.
It is often used (
Build seasoning)
And take care of it properly.
When you buy a cast iron pan for the first time, consider the source. Brand-
The new pot purchased from the store is likely to have "pre-
Seasoning ", the manufacturer spray the oil on the pan and bake it many times.
However, some people do not season, but apply a very thin wax coating on it to prevent rust.
Pots that were previously preferred, such as pots from yard sales, eBay or relatives, are most likely seasoned.
When the pan is fully seasoned, it becomes black, shiny, and smooth.
The gray or sticky pot should be cleaned and then cleaned againseasoned.
A pot with rust spots needs to scrub the rust spots (
Use fine sandpaper or steel wool)
And then through a thorough re-seasoning.
After making sure your pan has no rust, wash it thoroughly with hot soapy water.
Soap will help to break down any old grease that still exists on the rough surface.
Once it is completely clean, dry it with a soft towel.
Then heat the pan on a flame or electric burner until it is completely dry.
Let it cool naturally before continuing.
Once your pan is cold, apply it generously with solid oil or fat.
Bacon grease or solid coconut oil is a good choice.
You can even fry a batch of bacon in it and season it with grease immediately (
Be sure not to touch grease before cool).
You have to oil the whole pan including the bottom and handle.
If your pan has a lid, also Grease on both sides of the lid.
Note: Some friends may advise you to use Crisco or vegetable oil.
I do not recommend these as the original seasoning, as they become sticky over time.
Also, if enamel is applied outside your pot, do not season the enamel
Season the gray/black metal part of the pan only.
Put your iron pan on it.
On the top shelf of your oven, below is a baking tray covered with aluminum foil to catch dripping water.
Be sure to open the window and open the vent fan-
There will be smoke!
Bake for an hour at a temperature of 500 degrees.
The reason you bake it at such a high temperature is to make the pores in the metal open and expand so that they can soak properly in the grease.
Low temperature (As often
Recommended 300 degrees)
It's not hot enough to finish the task.
At a lower temperature, your pan turns brown and sticky instead of black and shiny.
Turn off the oven at the end of the hour, but don't remove the pan.
Let it sit in the oven until it is completely cooled.
I don't want to heat your house with coal, use the grill as hot as possible, and then bury the pot and lid in the coal.
Close the lid and let the coal burn on its own and the pan cool completely.
When your pan feels cool, wipe it with a paper towel and place it in a dry place.
Cook with a new or re-cast iron pan
Seasoned pan, if the first few meals you cook inside are high in fat, this is the best.
Bacon and burgers are perfect for this.
If you don't have a pot yet
Hold on, don't worry.
Simply apply any type of oil or cooking spray to it and cook as usual.
Cook with medium fire, let the pot heat;
If you don't explode with high temperature from the beginning, it will heat evenly.
Contrary to what is widely believed, you can indeed cook acidic foods (tomato-
Based on vinegar, citrus)
In your cast iron cooker
Take a look at any pepper contest and you will find the best chef to cook the peppers in the huge iron pan and Dutch oven.
The secret is to delay cooking acidic food until the pot or pot is very good --seasoned.
In this way, the seasoning can protect the pot from acid and prevent food from changing taste due to contact with metal.
Only use wooden or plastic utensils on your iron pan.
The metal will scrape off the seasoning and it is possible to scrape the iron itself.
Clean your cast iron pan tray clean your cast iron cooker and let it cool completely.
Never put a hot pot into the water and it will crack.
Then wash it with hot water and a soft towel or sponge.
If you get stuck
On the food, try to put some water into the pan and heat it up until the water is boiling.
Let the water boil until the food spreads (
Remember to continue adding water if necessary).
If not, just burn the food.
Heat the pan 500 degrees or more (
Putting it in coal is very effective for this)
Put it in a hot place until the food is completely burned and turned into flakes.
Do not clean cast iron cookware using soapy water or grinding scraper.
You took off the seasoning.
After the pot is clean, gently oil the pot (
Any type of oil will work)
In a dry place.
The paper tray "pad" placed in the pan will absorb any moisture and prevent the pan from rust.
However, if you do find the rust spot, just clean it up with fine sandpaper or steel hair and then clean it againseason.
Compared to cookers made of other materials, cast iron cookers are on top every time.
It does not need to be replaced regularly like aluminum.
It is safer than Teflon because there is no risk of toxic smoke if the pot is too hot.
Most importantly, your pan can go from the burner to the oven and even open the coal
There is no switch pan, and no extra cookware dirty!
Your cast iron pan or cooker is carefully used and will last many generations of your family.
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