charcoal grill $2 Charcoal Grill
by:Longzhao BBQ
Basically, I need a small grill that's fast and cheap.It is simple to assemble and easy to use.All steps in this guide are for reference only.I am not responsible for any damage, explosion or radioactive fish people they may have attacked you and/or ate your first child.Run to a Dollar Tree and pick up the cooling rack (for baked goods, cookies, cakes, etc) and lasagna.The shelves and pans were both $1 and 2 so I ended up getting two pans and two shelves.I think it's a $1 grill, but who's counting it?The cooling rack has 4 triangular dents pointing down, almost perfectly aligned with the lasagna baking tray.Align the dents with the pan and keep the cooling rack in place, that's all the people..You want to put the grill on something that is heat resistant, or better off on something that is fire resistant.To prevent burning, melting or fire, I used some coal blocks as the basis.But even at the bottom of the slag block, the part inside the hollow opening is very hot, so at least take the slag block or a stack of bricks back.Then follow the instructions on the back of your charcoal bag or lighter liquid.Pile the bricks in the pyramid and add fluid, yada.I also got the charcoal to burn only on the grill in case there was some sort of coating on the cooling rack and I don't think it would be because it was meant to cool the hot food.Make sure that no matter what surface you put the grill on, there is enough surface area to support the bottom of the Tin Pan, otherwise you will have some trouble.Obviously, the grill is not as strong as the grill you bought in the store, using only one layer of coal.I was able to cook the steak (total weight 1/2, inch thick) to medium cooked without any problem and also cooked some hot dogs.Follow the basic rules of fire safety and common sense, pay attention to fire.
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