
Cleaning your grill now will help you get the most out of it this summer. Here’s how to do it. - gas grill

by:Longzhao BBQ     2020-04-29
Cleaning your grill now will help you get the most out of it this summer. Here’s how to do it.  -  gas grill
Context is everything.I suspect that's why some home chefs are not too serious about cleaning the grill --It's outside and everything outside is a little dirty!—Their ovens and stoves, for example.But really, you should have your grillEspecially inside.As a holy place, give it the same care and attention as any other major instrument."My feeling is that the grill should be perfect, and the rest of the grill should always be relatively clean," grill master Steven Raichlen wrote in the barbecue Bible ."."Clean Grills are essential for killer grill traces and they help to prevent food from sticking to them.His mantra: "keep it hot, clean and lubricated."How to do this: Do a seasonal check.Don't remember what you did at the end of last year?Not sure what happened under your grill all winter?Give your grill once before you open anything-over.For the charcoal grill, Raichlen suggests that if you don't have it at the end of the last barbecue season, remove the ashes from the fire box.Also confirm that the metal vents are turned on and off and lubricated with WD-40 if necessaryRaichlen says you should clean the drip tray if needed.Remove the grille and baffle plate or seasoning rod that helps to remove grease directly from the burner tube.Then make sure that nothing (spider, spider web, other organic material) blocks the burner tube.If the flame does not come out of all the holes on the tube, you need to remove the obstacle with a curved paper clip or a thin line.Make sure your firearms are working properly and you will hear the click and see the sparks.Turn on the heating."Preheating is essential and the first step in cleaning the grill," says chef and author Elizabeth Carmel of chef satthegill.Steak and cake was recently published."Imagine it as a sterilization process.For the gas grill, turn the burner up for 10 minutes;Again, open the lid and vent and warm up your charcoal grill for 10 minutes.This will help burn anything you left behind during your last barbecue.Scrub the grate.Now any leftover food is burnt and it's time to throw it away.Karmel recommends scrubbing with a crumpled foil (about the size of the navel orange)handled tongs.This is a particularly good option for people who are worried about the stray bristles on the line brush, but if you have a metal brush that you trust, use it anyway.Raichlen said in his book Project Fire, look for a wire brush that is fixed with bristles in twisted wire coils.First Choice for USA test kitchen grill brush, 12-Weber's inch grill brush meets the requirements.ATK also likes how its triangular shape makes it easy to clean between grate rows.Refuel The Grate (or food.This is a step that combines cleaning and preparation, and it's a bit controversial.Many barbecue experts recommend oil the grate before filling it with food.Others believe that the oil residue will pile up and actually cause the food to stick together.If you're oil the grill: When the grill is still in high temperature, brush the grill on that pair of reliable pliers with a roll of oil-coated paper towel.This will capture any food you haven't scraped off and grease grates so the food doesn't stick together, just like you add fat to the pan on the stove.Be sure to use oil that can handle high temperatures.Grape seeds and cheaper rapeseed are good options, says Raichlen.Linda Ly recommended the Grate Chef Wipes wet Wipes in her new book "backyard fire Recipes", which functions similarly to oil-coated paper towels.She also has some other creative suggestions, including peeling half an onion on a roast fork and using high-Heat the cooking spray and use it to clean and lubricate grates.She says you can do similar things with the green shell on the corn you plan to grill.In another camp: Karmel strongly advocates refueling your food, not your food.By applying a thin layer of olive oil to the food and then placing it on a clean cooking grate, you create a barrier that prevents natural juices in the food from turning into steam and evaporation, this may cause the food to dry before it is made.Decide which method works best for you and use it.Repeated heating.After cooking is done, Karmel says you should follow the same process as the grill.Warm up for about 10 minutes and scrub.To strengthen the heat on the charcoal grill and help burn the food, the test kitchen in the United States says you can place a overturned disposable baking tray on the grill.If there's a lot of food left on the grill, Karmel says, you can have the grill last 30 to 40 minutes, "or until everything on the grates turns white --gray ash."Other maintenance.If you have a charcoal grill, remove the Ashes a day or two after they cool down.In metal containers where ashes are transferred away from combustible materials, after mixing with water and cooling for a few days, they can be treated in your trash can (with tin paper for extra safety ).If you use charcoal without additives, consider using ash or compost piles in the garden.For the gas grill, pay attention to the drip tray."Martha Stewart's BBQ" says to clean up the larger drip tray that captures food at least every month, and replace the smaller disposable pan that captures grease when half full."Once a year, clean the inside of the grill with warm soapy water --Karmel said: "There is no abrasive."Make sure you rinse the grill clean and have it warm up for 30 to 40 minutes when all the burners are at high levels to burn any residue."If you have a charcoal grill, you can take this advice from" Martha Stewart's Grill ": after cleaning with dipping liquid, warm water and sponge, unpack the grill and before reassembling, rinse it with a garden hose and let all parts dry in the sun.If you tend to barbecue only in warm weather, it makes sense to clean it at the end of your season so that your work next year will be easier.More from greed: Getting started with marinated meat: a simple answer to difficult questions, upgrading your cooking contribution for 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