four top bbq tips from science to make your barbecue easier, safer and ten times better - grill gas
by:Longzhao BBQ
We don't have much chance to light up the BBQ during the summer, so when you want to make sure you're doing it right.
We have looked at the science behind the barbecue-with the help of barbecue scientist amazordinaire Meathead Goldwin.
Com-and have some tips to make sure you can do that-
Less work has been put into the process than ever before. They don't work.
The marinade may be delicious but does not penetrate into the meat.
The muscle fibers in the chicken breast or steak are packed too tightly and filled with water and your marinade is out of reach.
This does not apply to fish and some vegetables such as mushrooms, but for almost all barbecues, marinade is a big fat that wastes everyone's time.
Work is salt.
It can help keep your meat in flavor and moisture, and those simple little salt molecules go deep into the meat.
So I forgot to make the marinade the night before. -
Just half a teaspoon of plain old salt per kilogram of meat, just throw the meat in a few hours before you plan to light the grill.
If you are using fancy sea salt, you will need another half of the salt (by volume)--
These large crystals mean more air and less salt for each scoop.
If you really want to marinate the meat, make sure it is as thin as possible.
Make sure your marinade is salty. -
Use the same proposal as above--
And cut the surface of the meat to give it a chance to penetrate.
Throw away sugary additives-
They burn when you stick it to the grill.
This is the simplest.
Put the lid on the grill and everything will cook faster, dry more slowly, and the pressure is much smaller.
This means the direct heat of coal (radiant heat)
You will also do convection heating, which means your food will be cooked from all directions at the same time.
You don't use that much charcoal, and you don't feel the pressure constantly. -
When hungry family members look like they're finished, you lose fewer sausages.
Remember to open the lid of the grill and any vents below.
This means that the air will still enter your coal and you will continue cooking.
Don't worry about opening it to check things ---
The interior will heat up again soon.
If you really want to keep this heat, find someone to help lift the lid when you quickly check what's going on inside.
This will trap the heat under the lid and it will speed up when you put it back.
If you want cooked meat, don't throw the whole bag of coal balls there, hopefully the best.
Set it up so your grill has fire on one side and no fire on the other.
If you have a few bricks, you can put them at the bottom of the old kettle and put them in the middle to form a wall to keep things tidy.
This is a two. zone' grill -
Things in one area are cooked on coal, and things in another area can be cooked without being directly blown away.
If you cook chicken breast on a grill and don't want to poison guests, you know you need to cook it all the time.
The problem you have always faced is that without crispy the outside, it is impossible to heat the middle to enough temperature to cook. The solution?
Bake it on the hot side until it turns brown all over, then dump it off the grill and wrap it up with foil, when you start eating burgers and other fast food, put the package on the other sidecooking things.
Then you get the benefits of Brownings on the grill from the Melad reaction, it's all
In fact, cooking a barbecue with hot coal is an important taste, and you can reach a safe temperature in the middle of the time.
It would be easier if you invested in a gas grill-
Just open the burner on one side of it and you are set!
You can now order one on Amazon and it will be with you tomorrow morning. An instant-
Reading the probe means that you can make sure your meat is fully cooked and safe without guessing.
Forget to stimulate it and try to figure out if the juice is clear-
None of these things will tell you if your food is actually safe.
The chicken should be at 74 °c and the burger, sausage and other meat should be at 71 °c.
At that temperature, the heat kills all the bacteria and you know it's good to go there.
The whole beef is more complicated-
But if you want to remove the rare meat at a medium temperature of around 55 °c, 68 °c, then --done at 74°C.
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