
gas barbecue grill BBQ Pizza Dome

by:Longzhao BBQ     2019-12-05
gas barbecue grill BBQ Pizza Dome
Although I have been making pizza with my gas grill (grill) for a while, there is always something missing.Spring in the crust is not as good as it should be, and not many experiments in the dough recipe seem to give me all the results I want.I need an oven that produces a temperature high enough to cook pizza in less than 5 minutes.Making an oven with bricks seems to be the best option.Nirvana seems to be a pizza oven with wood burning bricks.I don't want to buy or build a traditional firewood pizza oven, because even with occasional pizza parties, this is excessive for the number of pizzas we make and consume in a year.So I started looking for a simple but effective way to get a hot oven and give me the results I was looking for, all of which didn't break me down, or in order to fuel the oven, the hard wood at hand must be kept.The dome shape helps to concentrate the heat of the barbecue and also retains the heat inside the brick.Pizza is cooked in a variety of ways.The base chef mainly comes from the heat of the bottom stone, the top chef comes from the radiant heat of the dome itself, from the hot air behind the oven and in front, and then escapes from the small gap in the barbecue cover.The gas grill BBQ pizza dome of the month burner uses a heat source with a hat.I'm $60 on Ebay (minus a few non-Basic components for commercial pizza ovens1 bag high temperature mortar mixture floor such as heating tray) 4 x fire resistant oven tile (300x300mm ).(They look only in large bags) hollow square section steel of 4 length.(1 m) 2 solid poles with a length of 12mm.(1 m) 2 solid steel bars with a length of 6mm.(1 m) the electric drill matches the drill bit.Drill bit 12mm and 6mm.Tie wire.Pencil tip (permanent) water bottle mouth glass metal mesh (chicken wire) for tape measurement, you need to cut 3 tiles into strips so they are square.For example, my tie is 40mm thick, so I cut the tiles into 40mm.A 300mm tile can give you 7 40mm tiles.I need 15 for my dome plus some spare parts.The remaining tiles are used as pizza stone and placed under the dome.For the best results, it is very important to check the BBQ you intend to use for the following functional conversions.Provides a good covered Hood in the cooking area.Inner lip inside the grill & this is the place where the baking tray and baking tray usually sit.I suggest you search sites like EBay and go to some garage sales as you may get what you need cheaply.Others choose not to buy things like Grill boards and side tables because most people are looking for barbecues that are used in traditional ways.You can use some material to achieve this and I just happen to have some spare hs and some steel bars left by another project.The steps to build the dome bracket are as follows.Measure the grill area.Measure the grill area and the internal support lip, and take into account any bolts or welded joints that may hinder the placement of the steel support frame and furnace brick, measure and cut the steel to match the grill area.I used a hollow square section and a solid circular section of about 12mm (all soft steel ).The square section is cut into length (less than 2mm at expansion) and then drilled to the 12mm circular section.Note: If you have access to the electric welder, you can produce more rigid frames using hs and strengthening the mesh.Assembly frame.The frame consists of 4 hollow square sections (hs) and 2 solid circular sections with a length of 12mm.2 of these parts have 12mm holes completely through the inner surface and the outer surface, and the remaining 2 parts only drill holes on the inner surface) insert 2 solid circular sections with a length of 12mm into 2 hs with a single hole, and then place the hs with a single hole at the end of the rod.When properly installed together, the frame falls into the lips of the grill at approximately the same height as the original grill plate and grill plate.After installing the frame, you need to confirm the maximum height of the dome when the hood is down.It all depends on the type of hood you grill and install.Pay attention to finding any bolts or accessories that may hinder close fit with the back wall of the hood.You also need to consider the thickness of the refractory you are using.Create a dome template (paper) based on the measurements previously taken, use a computer-based drawing program to help create the template, and make sure that your scale is 1: 1 to draw a rectangle, represents the maximum height and width of space in BBQ.The rectangle should draw a vertical center line to help align.The straight edge of the dome should be twice the thickness of the refractory.In my case, the refractory brick is 40mm thick.So the straight side needs 80mm.Use the tool to draw a curve from the top of the inner edge of the wall to the center line of the rectangle, where it intersects the top.Once done, copy and mirror the shape and align on the other side.I 've included a visio drawing with dimensions to help you, as well as an Enhanced Metafile document to help those who don't have vision.If you have a printer that can only print half of the template, you need to make sure that the center line is included in both prints so that you can align them using this line.Print 2 copies of the dome design and cut off the excess paper as neatly as possible.Align the two prints using centreline as a guide.Stick them together with tape.Tip: If the paper you use is thick and you can't see the center line on the bottom paper through the top paper, when you align it with the bottom, use hair gel or oily nail polish remover to make the top transparent.To create a wooden template for the dome using a paper template, you can apply the template to the laying layer using diluted pva glue.Before applying a paper template, apply the surface of the plywood first.You need to work quickly before the glue dries.To make two identical templates, screw the second piece of ply onto the first one so you can cut both pieces in one operation.It is important to remember that all adjustments to the laying template must be made at the same time, otherwise the installation of the refractory will not be neat.My dome consists of 3 main parts, left hand side (5 pieces), right hand side (5 pieces) and top dome (5 pieces), higher part (80mm) it is two straight pieces, consisting of two 40mm tiles on the edge of the template to see if they fit when placed on the template.Mark the last of the 5 left tiles at the end of the temple and repeat the 5 tiles on the right.You should have something like this when you're done.Before filling the entire template, use the gasket to build each side with a tile strip.Once done, remove the dome and re-Assemble in BBQ to make sure the hood can be turned off.Solve any fit problem by trimming the template and adjusting the position of the tile.Once you have the right label for the end of each tile so you know where it will go.Once the end face bricks are installed correctly, you can stick them together.Note: to ensure a strong bond, you must use the least amount of mortar on the inner edge.The outer surface is less critical and can be filled with mortar once you have completed the initial construction steps.Soak all tiles in the water for 30 minutes to make sure they are completely moist.If the tile strips are dry, it will dry immediately when you apply the mortar and will not be firm.I made my dome in 3 main sections, left hand side (5 pieces), right hand side (5 pieces) and top dome (5 pieces) if you build the dome this way, you can easily move the pieces and fine-tune their location in the grill.I decided that if the entire dome collapsed or I decided to build the second one, I might need to reuse the laying template.During the final render and ignition I made two metal dome brackets to help me, which also made me not have to move the entire dome to remove the wooden template.I used 6mm steel bars bent into the shape of the lower side of the dome.The rod is installed in the holes drilled in each supporting part where the steel meets the tile.Tie steel brackets and tiles together to help support the 3 main sections.If you want to test the dome at this time (like I did), you can light the barbecue and take it in the test drive.Grill on medium fire for 2 hours, heat and remove any oil or food that may pollute the pizza.When you are satisfied with the performance of the oven, you can go to the final steps.Once the barbecue is cold.Use steel bars as tie rods to apply the mesh to the outside of the domedown.Apply the mortar to the seam of 3 segments and apply the mortar finish coating to the outside of the dome to ensure that no mesh is visible.If you wish, you can apply oxide to the mortar to match the barbecue.Carry a spray bottle with water to keep the mortar moist when applying and sliding.The mortar has a little boring gray finish and I decided to add a final render coating with some oxide as a colorant.Once completely dry, you should light the barbecue and heat it slowly.Grill on medium fire for 1 hour, then check if there are cracks and cracks in the dome.The rest of the firebrick should be placed on the stand under the dome, which is used to cook the pizza.You can make pizza now.You may need to try the placement of the stone height to make sure that the stone at the bottom is not too hot compared to the inner dome temperature.For me, the ideal temperature seems to be around 360 °c, and depending on the ingredients and the hydration of the dough, the pizza is cooked between 3 and 4 minutes.I always cook with the hood off, check every 45 seconds, about 2 minutes or so, and the pizza turns half in the cooking process.This is my first pizza from the dome, cool it before serving.Cooking with a dome is an obvious improvement and I have to re-do it nowLearn how to cook them for the best results.
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