gas barbecue grill Spanked by the BBQ tank
by:Longzhao BBQ
The grill owners were a little surprised by the safety of the propane industry.The child said, "I can't fill it in .""Why not?"I growled when I cleaned the grill, dirty and tired.Filling the gas tank should be the easiest part."There is no OPD for that tank.The high school student pointed to the triangular valve on the top of the shiny new propane tank in his hand.Overflow protection device.Need them now.""What do I do?"Well, you can change the tank...Or you can buy a new one.""How much?""It'll be $29.Tank 99." Sigh."...another $12.If you want to fill it with gas.This is the tyranny of bureaucracy.Are there notices, debates, votes and all the other doodles of our democratic society?How does this happen?Is this the clinic?Well, this is a floating gadget that prevents the propane tank from getting too full.If the gas inside is warming (not unusual next to the grill, right?It expands, spills the valve or seam, hits the flame near it, and explodes.Want more technical conversations?Go and check out the fact sheet of the NFPA.) It turned out that a group of 75,000 fire professionals, known as the National Fire Prevention Association, believed that OPD was a good way to reduce gas grill accidents, averaging about 5,600 per year from 1994 to 1998.The organization is not sure how many accidents will be avoided (accidents are not tracked by the cause), but this is a good bet.Hell, I think, if it's just a good thing.The Association through its 30-The personal propane board inserted the OPD requirements into the latest update to its code of prevention, which was adopted in about 25 states.(The website of the National Propane Gas Association has a list of countries )."There is a certain degree of complaint (about the OPD requirements), but there are always some people who don't want to spend money," said Ted Lemoff, Chief gas engineer at the NFPA .".Yes, when I spent $45.I'm complaining (including tax ).While I was waiting for my new tank, three other people came in and they were complaining.Who is not complaining?I looked down at my shiny new propane tank: Worthington industrial.Wortho' carroll said: "There will be some benefits to Worthington, which is certainly positive ." He followed the company in the BB & T Capital Market."It's a good gravy, in addition to the generally improved business."The company can use it.The company had to bear some restructuring costs and sales fell 3% last quarter.However, propane cylinders account for only about 17% of Worthington's business.O'Carroll estimates that actual propane tanks account for less than 10% of total sales.No complaints from other companies.Of course, this is not the case with other manufacturers.The insurance company did not complain, there were fewer fires and fewer claims.No.This requirement means they don't have to pay extra money to train high school students not to overfill propane tanks.These interests represent 30-41% people.The committee of commissioners I mentioned earlier(In fact, there is a senior executive in Worthington industrial company ).Given that the other 26% of the members of the committee are consultants-people who get paid through industry interests-it's easy to see how the option of getting a barbecue boss like me to get paid goes through.(The rest of the committee consists of law enforcement officers and testing laboratory personnel ).As I said, it is important to save people.It will only cost me, not the whole industry.-$29.99.Allen Wastler is a passionate BBQ chef and editor-in-chief of CNN/Money.He can get an email here.
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