gas grill with cast iron grates How to Clean Your Grill
by:Longzhao BBQ
There is spring in the air.For many, it also means that it's the barbecue season now (not me, the barbecue season will start on January.1. it was closed on December.31, amirite?).Anyway, if you ignore cleaning the grill before you throw it away, here are some handy tips to make her shiny and new in less than an hour!You need: remove your grill and any other parts that are not bolted to the grill.These can be cleaned separately.Use a brush to remove hardened grease and carbon.*Pro Tip* -I have a big hole in the bottom of my grill to collect grease in a disposable tray.Brush all the carbon and dry grease into this tray and throw it away.Close the lid and wash the outside of the grill with a rag.Wash from top down.A large amount of soapy water was used to clean the grille inside.If you have any stubborn places, wet the grill brush and use it to break down grease and carbon.The first picture was taken about 15 minutes after scrubbing.At that point I got a bucket of fresh water and a piece of fresh rag and scrubbed for about 10 minutes.Place your grates directly in the bucket and scrub with a grill brush and a rag.Put your grates back in place and any other parts you might take off at the beginning.Clean as needed.Make sure all connections are correct and light the grill.Then have a cocktail and sit down and cook something delicious!
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