
gas grills Expert Summer Safety Tips

by:Longzhao BBQ     2019-12-14
gas grills Expert Summer Safety Tips
Please read the following tips if you are having a barbecue or going out on weekends:Provided by CSA Group (an organization that tests the safety and credibility of daily products-To keep your family safe all summer."We want families to have a nice long weekend and enjoy the summer, but we also want them to pay attention to some of the security risks," said Anthony todrian, a representative of the CSA Group .".Use the gas grill and grill: Keep it clean.Check if your grill cleans any blockage formed by grease, insects or rust --Before you light it up.Check the burner and burner tube.Clean or replace any blocked parts.Check for leaks.Rub 50/50 solution of soap and water onto gas hoses, fittings and connections.Open the gas on the tank, not the burner.If there is a leak, there will be bubbles.Try tightening the fittings and you should replace any damaged hoses or fittings if it doesn't work.Check your gas.Check the date stamp on the propane cylinder to see when it was last qualified.These cylinders must be inspected and re-identified every 10 years.In addition, avoid the use of rusty or damaged cylinders.Pay attention to the environment around you.Away from combustible materials such as fences, trees and buildings.Always buy certified.When purchasing a grill or grill, please look for the approved seal of a trusted certification body.The logo indicates that the product meets national standards.Pay attention to children.Educate your child about possible dangers when operating hot equipment.Camping stoves and lanterns: keep a safe distance from the tent.Camping equipment such as lanterns, stoves and outdoor cookers should be lit at least three metres from the tent or any vehicle.Do not light a stove or lantern in a tent or vehicle.Use in open space.Use lanterns or stoves only in the wellVentilation area.Away from the flame.Keep children and pets away from the flames.Wait for the device to cool before you pack.Do not wear loose, flammable clothes when using any fuelBurning equipment.Boats and villas: keep the ship smart.Wear a life jacket or some type of floating device when using a boat.Check your alarmTest the carbon monoxide and smoke alarms in your cabin or on board to see if they are installed correctly.Check the pests.The first time you go to your cabin for the summer, check if all your appliances have damage to rodents and insects.Be prepared.Keep your ships and cabins stocked with safety equipment such as first aid kits and fire extinguishers in case of emergency.Originally published in the ParentsCanada Journal, May 2012.
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