
gas grills Make Summer Grilling more Energy Efficient

by:Longzhao BBQ     2019-10-21
gas grills Make Summer Grilling more Energy Efficient
Energy efficient backyard BBQ-basic BBQ options the hot season is coming and it's time to enjoy the backyard BBQ.Moving towards a more energy-efficient approach will ensure that everyone shows the responsibility to save the planet.Of course, the natural gas grill is more eco-friendly and energy efficient than using propane gas, but it depends on how it is used.There are a variety of different options for barbecue, the basic choice is: barbecue. Most people think that natural gas is the most suitable and energy-efficient way to barbecue.Compared to power and other power supplies, it is considered the cleanest and most eco-friendly method.When taking steps to charge the electric grill through the wind or the sun, it is easy to get the "green grill" award.However, a biogas barbecue is more effective than any other energy source other than solar energy, or at least more eco-friendly.When used with efficient and reliable biogas, cooking with GasBackyard barbecue will be more interesting.Biogas per cubic meter (m3) contains about 6 KW of fattening energy.Biogas is non-Fossil methane with methane support (GHG) heating factor 21 times higher than co2.More appropriately, this gas is 60-70% methane and 30-40% of carbon dioxide, less other trace gases.At room temperature and pressure, this biogas will be present in the form of gas.Biogas combustion converts methane into carbon dioxide, reducing the impact of greenhouse gases by more than 20 times.The energy in biogas is equivalent to cubic meters (m3) of biogas containing equivalent to 6 KW of thermal energy ).However, if it is converted to power, we usually get available power for 2kWh from it.The presence of corrosive sulfuric acid hydrogen is a naturally occurring odor agent (used to detect leaks) that only needs to be simply scrubbed before running gas in an internal combustion engine.According to Environment Protection Agency said nitrous two nitrogen (A than two carbon dioxide powerful 60% times of greenhouse gas) emissions of 270 "from traditional agricultural" May is General of farm, however, in the livestock system, the by-products are not treated as they deserve.Integrated biogas systems can take advantage of these emissions and convert them into valuable soil building amendments.Bottled gas using biogas instead of mixing with natural gas and feeding into the pipeline, upgraded biogas can also be bottled and then used as a substitute for natural gas in industry, in the home, or as a gas stationHowever, the jet must be removed for each burner.This is a small hole designed to make the high pressure bottled gas slowly pass through.The pressure on biogas is much lower.In most cookware, these nozzles are removable in case the cooker is used with the main gas similar to biogas.By removing trace acidic gases such as CO2 and hydrogen sulfide, moisture, biogas can be converted into natural gas (mainly methane ).Natural gas is a more eco-friendly gas, and its use reduces engine wear and tear in the internal combustion engine.With the right scrubber technology, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide can be successfully removed from biogas.With multi-stage compression, the remaining methane gas (natural gas) can be compressed to a high pressure of about 240 bar and can be filled with CNG cylinders.While the conventional view still supports the charcoal grill, it is not a completely bad option;The fact is that propane and biogas are more eco-friendly.friendly.In a study on the limitations of charcoal, David waldel of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences said that charcoal and wood tend to be cheap, but the wood burns dirty and the charcoal grill is messy, usually less than other types of grill facilities.Charcoal is traditionally considered the least eco-friendly.Friendly mode of barbecue.A report from the Environmental Impact Assessment Review of aisiweier pointed out that charcoal barbecues are not so eco-friendlyMore friendly than propane BBQ.The article further reports that in the UK, the carbon emissions of charcoal barbecues are almost three times that of propane gas barbecues.The study also noted that propane gas grills are more energy efficient, more effective in terms of production costs and carbon costs, and ultimately more effective in cooking compared to charcoal grills.The charcoal barbecue is done by adding hot wood to the open stove with a commercial yield of about 20-30% range, i.e.The rest of the wood is converted into gas and eliminated in the environment.In contrast, propane gas is in the range of 90%.In addition, compared with a gas grill of about 12 pounds similar size, the charcoal grill emits about 5 pounds of carbon dioxide in an hour.In the end, charcoal is the most inefficient alternative to propane.But in contrast to what Tris West, a researcher at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory at the Department of Energy, said.She said the use of charcoal will last for a long timeCharcoal is made of wood.It is a renewable energy source, which means that once carbon dioxide is discharged into the atmosphere, the forest will re-grow anywhere it is cut down and absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.There is a carbon cycle.We put it away, and then it was taken back by the tree.The carbon released from your charcoal grill will be twice the carbon released from your propane grill.When we use the total carbon cycle and charcoal as renewable energy, because they come from wood, the story is completely reversed, and because the emissions of charcoal are zero, the emissions of natural gas are more.There are a large number of manufacturers of gas grills on the market.There are a lot of changes in size, quality, portability and other basic functions that are obvious.Despite the largest number of US manufacturers, we can also find many of the most popular Japanese and Chinese manufacturers in the market.Most manufacturers make their own.Servingly said that they have implemented the strategic plan and implemented the national energy efficiency supervision plan and method for reliable natural gas appliances and equipment.In many cases, this strategy is the most important package, implemented by the Australian Council of Engineering ministers under the national energy efficiency framework.In addition, there are culinary appliance standards certified by the "Energy Star" rating, which stipulate international standards for energy-saving products.This certification originated in the United States.Sawdust is also very important. sawdust is ecological.Friendly compressed waste products in the production of wood products, because it does not contain glue, paraffin wax and wax adhesives, so less carbon emissions.The sawdust gives the fire a reliable and stable heat, reducing the pollution of dust on the air.Since sawdust is produced from domestic resources, it is cheaper than any other fuel and much less polluted.In addition, it aims to improve the specifications of manufacturers in all EPAApproved fire place and stove.Conclusion in all cases, the use of the energy-saving backyard grill should be better understood before it can be considered as a major factor in alleviating human lifeInduced rise of carbon-Based on greenhouse gases.There is also a lawn mower to consider!On July 4, the energy-efficient backyard grillingreference further read The Ridge ak Ridge National Laboratory and did not have a picnic for the national environment.Oak Ridge National Laboratory, barbecue with charcoal is good for the environmentterm.Fireplace, courtyard, and grill statistissouceselsevier Association (13 th, 5 th, 5 th ).Charcoal barbecue-The study found that it was more friendly than barbecue with propane.ScienceDaily.Retrieved from/releases/2009/05/090512093254 to August 25, 2010.HtmEric Johnson.Charcoal and LPG barbecue: CarbonFootprint comparison.Review of environmental impact assessment, 2009;DOI: 10.1016/j.eiar.2009.02.004 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (May 4, 2008 ).The limitations of charcoal as an effective carbon sink.ScienceDaily.Retrieved from/2008/05/080501180247/to August 25, 2010.
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