
grill with side burner BBQ Buffalo Burger with Mango Ketchup and Red Slaw

by:Longzhao BBQ     2020-01-11
grill with side burner BBQ Buffalo Burger with Mango Ketchup and Red Slaw
The direction of the burger: Divide the meat into four parts and make it into hamburgers.Brush on both sides with BBQ sauce and season with salt and pepper.Bake each side for 3 to 4 minutes.Ketchup: use side burner or top of grill.Heat the oil in the medium pot with medium high temperature.Add onions and garlic and cook until soft.Add the mango and cook for 5 minutes or until soft.Add cinnamon, spices, cloves and habanello and cook for another 2 minutes.Put the mango mixture into the food processor and add vinegar and honey.Process until smooth.Season with salt and pepper.Cold or room temperature.For slaw: Place vinegar and oil in a small pan, put 3/4 of cabbage in a large bowl to boil, add a hot vinegar mixture and stir well.Add coriander seeds and season with salt and pepper.Mix all the ingredients together and season with salt and pepper.Let's sit at room temperature for 1 hour until we wither.Add the remaining raw cabbage before serving.
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