
Grilled Fingerling Potatoes - bbq gas grill

by:Longzhao BBQ     2020-04-28
Grilled Fingerling Potatoes  -  bbq gas grill
This grilled side dish is simple and rewarding.The strong meat such as potatoes and steak is beautifully matched.If you don't eat garlic butter, you can use your fingers in your favorite potato salad recipe.Use a vegetable BBQ basket to keep it simple.Do it well in advance: potatoes can be prepared earlier in the day, covered and served at room temperature.Place the potatoes in a large pan and add 2 inch of water to cover.Add 1 tablespoon of salt;Boil with a high temperature, then reduce the heat to medium and cook until the potatoes soften for about 10 minutes.Slightly drained and cooled, then cut half vertically.Dry the potatoes with a paper towel and then mix them in a bowl with oil and 1/2 teaspoon salt.Prepare the grill to heat directly.Preheat to medium temperature if gas grill is usedHigh (450 degrees ).If a charcoal grill is used, ignite the charcoal or block of wood;When the coal balls are ready, assign them to the cooking area for direct heating.For a medium-Heat, you should be able to hold your hand about 6 inch above the coal for about 4 or 5 seconds.Prepare a spray water bottle to tame any flame.Gently apply the oil to the grate or vegetable basket and place it on the grill.Work in batches if needed, bake potatoes for 2 or 3 minutes, uncover and cut the sides until burnt.Turn the potatoes over and bake until the skin is a little crispy for 2 to 3 minutes.Melt the butter with medium heat in a small pot.Stir in garlic;Cook for about 5 minutes, stir a few times until the garlic is soft.Remove from heat;Skim off any foam on the surface.Filter and discard garlic if needed.Transfer the potatoes to a bowl and stir with garlic butter (unless you have other plans;See title ).Lightly seasoned with salt, sprinkle with parsley before stirring.Service is available at warm or room temperature.
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