health risks of charcoal drinks: doctors warn latest fad could stop medication from working properly by removing them from blood stream before they are absorbed - where to buy charcoal for grill
by:Longzhao BBQ
Drinking juice with added charcoal is the latest fashion to help remove body toxins.
Gwyneth Paltrow advocates drinks on her lifestyle website Goop for up to £ 6. 50 a bottle.
But if you think it's better to leave charcoal when you grill, you're not alone --
As expects warn, this practice is actually dangerous for your health.
Charcoal has been "activated", which means that the steam is forced through it after burning, which is considered to make it absorb toxins more efficiently.
But doctors warn that drinking these substances can actually stop the action of the drug, sucking them out of the body before they are absorbed into the blood.
In fact, they recommend not to take any medicine one or two hours before drinking charcoal.
Health issues will be aired on Channel 4's documentary super food: True Story, which will be aired tonight.
The hospital uses 50 grams of charcoal to treat people who take poison or excess.
It does have the ability to absorb some toxins in the first hour, but once they are absorbed into the blood charcoal, there is no longer any effect.
James Cole, A & E registrar at Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth, said the three grams of charcoal used in juice bar drinks would not have A positive impact at all.
He told the documentary that there was little evidence that it would be of great benefit.
It is worrying that it may actually be combined with some of the drugs that people take and will not allow them to be absorbed, which will do some harm to them.
Experts said last night that charcoal drinks could be worse for you than running water, and they said that people are "wasting money" by spending pounds for a bottle of wine ", although it has been shown to be effective in reducing swelling.
Priya Tew, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the British diet Association, said: "I have never seen any evidence that charcoal can help detox.
"We know it can absorb something, but it means that if you add it to a drink like vegetable juice, it can absorb nutrients and actually reduce nutritional efficiency.
"People need to be very careful about what they are eating and how they eat it.
We just want to put what we know is safe in our bodies.
"Charcoal can interfere with drug treatment, which makes it very dangerous, which is a reasonable concern.
"Someone like gwynith Paltrow, who is not qualified to give this advice, so we really need to question what she is talking about and seek advice from someone who is appropriately qualified.
"The human body is naturally detoxifying using the liver and kidneys, so why do we need to add something extra to it?
People who buy charcoal are wasting money.
The tap water is better for them, and it is free, why it cost 6.
When can you get it from the tap?
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