
how to clean a cast iron bathtub - how to clean cast iron

by:Longzhao BBQ     2020-03-21
how to clean a cast iron bathtub  -  how to clean cast iron
googletag. display("div-ad-articleLeader"); A cast-iron-
The bathtub is a nice addition to any bathroom.
These bathtubs have been around for many years. Some cast-iron-
The bathtub is a real antique, some of which look like antiques. cast-iron-
The bathtub is more expensive than the fiberglass bathtub, but it is definitely worth it. cast-iron-
The bathtub is usually finished with porcelain glaze coating.
Ceramic coatings are susceptible to surface debris, cracks and wear.
The last thing you want to do is clean up your plaster. iron-
Bathtub with products with accelerated finish wear.
It is very important not to use any grinding cleaner such as refined powder, steel wool, white vinegar or lemon.
The grinds in the refined powder and steel hair scratch and damage the finish on the bathtub and destroy it.
The acid in white vinegar and lemon can also damage the porcelain surface.
Whether or not you have a beautiful antique claw foot tub or a new castiron-
The bathtub is clean and well taken care of, so you will have it for years to come.
Daily regular lineupiron-
Wash your casting-iron-
After each use, the bathtub can remove the excess soap.
Dry the bathtub with a soft cloth to avoid water stains.
Please clean any marks or stains when they occur and do not leave them later. Weekly cast-iron-
Tub cleaning mix 2 tablespoons of grease cutting liquid dishwashing soap into 1 gallon of hot water.
Be sure to use a detergent instead of a dishwasher.
Dip a sponge or soft cloth into a mixture of water and soap and scrub the inside of the bathtub.
Rinse clean and dry thoroughly. Monthly cast-iron-
Bath cleaning add 2 to 3 tablespoons of trisodium phosphate to 1 gallon of hot water.
There are three sodium phosphate in hardware stores and home improvement stores.
Dip a clean and soft rag into the mixture and rinse along the bathtub to reduce the build-up of hard dirt and soap dirt.
Rinse thoroughly and dry well. If you cast-iron-
There are signs of wear in the bathtub, stains that cannot be removed or debris in the porcelain glaze finish, you need to reinstall the bathtubglazed.
Don't waste time and money in the bathtubglazing kits.
They are expensive, the patch looks obvious and the price is not high.
Hire a refinery specializing in castingiron-
Bathtub repair.
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