
how to clean cast iron 12 easy indoor plants for beginners

by:Longzhao BBQ     2019-11-03
how to clean cast iron 12 easy indoor plants for beginners
Before we start, let's talk about the uncomfortable fact that there is no such thing as indoor plants.The combination of dry, still air, irregular watering and limited light is not suitable for any plant.To put it simply, they all like to live outdoors.But some tough plants are more tolerant of these unnatural conditions, and this is a great choice for beginners, forgetful people, or those who enhance the confidence of the "black thumb.Jason Chongue has passed on his knowledge to ABC Life, a series on indoor plants.While Jason is an expert in hundreds of plants at home, he himself has grown a lot of these "easy" plants, which he calls "icebreaker ".Tried it though.and-After testing, these beauties can still show their stuff on Instagram and look great.Want to send weekly updates of ABC Life to your inbox?Sign up for our newsletter.1.ZZ is a plant called ZZ plant or Zanzibar gem with a pair of dark glossy leaves along its stiff, upright stems, perfect for displaying your most stylish container.Although they can endure the lack of light, they will do their best in the case of brighter light, but will not be exposed to the sun.If they look long and thin, they don't have enough light.The plant has thick, fleshy roots that store moisture, so it is very tolerant;They are more likely to die from drowning than in drought.Allow the soil surface to dry between water and occasionally wipe with a damp cloth to keep the leaves shiny.2.Let Ye Lan fly the nickname of the spider egg --Cast iron plant-Really finished.Victorian favorites, who endure being trapped in a jar in the corner of the living room, have no natural light (in their natural habitat in Asia, they grow in the shade of other trees.The genus spider egg also deals with a wide temperature range.Tall, upright bladeLike a leaf that grows directly from a root stem.An underground stem that stores food and water, allowing plants to tolerate neglect.In order to increase interest, please pay attention to the change of stripes or spots.3.The devil cares about his own warning aura and wins its common name for its hard-to-kill reputation-Devil Ivy --Weeds can be found in tropical areas.It was once classified as the genus Pothos, and the name was also attached.They are often confused because they look very similar and enjoy similar conditions.Just as you feel more comfortable in some parts of the house, so do your plants.In the wild, the devil Ivy climbed up other trees with roots in the air and grew indoors near a thick pole to encourage this growth.More often, its vines are allowed to hang gracefully as hanging plants.It is easy to breed from the cuttings, water is required only when the soil feels dry, and can endure a range of conditions, but prefer bright (albeit indirect) light.A variety of spotted leaves.4.Peace Lily (spathyllum spp) is engaged in peace work in the tropical rain forests of South America and Central America, and has become the office's favorite because of its perseverance in the air.Adjustment, heating, lack of light and negligence.Many plants that are easy to discover and preserve can help us remove toxic chemicals from the surrounding air.Its leaves start to drooping when it needs a drink, but it looks bestStart producing white flower stemsIf watering is still wet on the surface of the filling mixture.It ranks high on the air ListClean plants.However, it is also on the list of toxic plants, so do not expose pets and toddlers to them.5.Delicious monsters are also called Swiss cheese plants (because of unusual holes in the leaves) or fruit salad plants (because of its edible fruit flavor) monstera deliciosa has been a favorite of interior decorators for many years.Its huge and smooth green leaves represent a lush tropical aesthetic, and its unusual colorful version is available online for a high price.They can get bigger quickly, but they are easy to trim and breed.They are native to the Central American rainforest and prefer to keep wet and bright and indirect light.6.Snake plants in tropical Western Africa form dense architectural upright leaves in open woodlands.It spreads through root-like stems, which store nutrients to help plants survive in harsh conditions.Bad news: Your favorite indoor plants and flowers can be toxic to your dogs and cats.Another fascinating drought adaptation is that during the hot day it closes the pores on the leaves to keep moisture and "breathe" on cool nights ".Using well-A potted mixture of drainage and allowing it to dry between water is the key to its indoor survival.It can cope with (but cannot thrive in) dark corners or sunny places, but prefer bright light and warm conditions away from checkers.There are changes in mottled and stripes.7.An over-The biggest problem with many tough, tenacious plants is that they become weeds.This happened to this attractive fern.Often referred to as the "Fishbone Fern (nephrothris), the cousin of the United States (nephrothris exaltata 'Bostoniensis'), which is often confused ').When we plant rainforest plants indoors, prevention is better than treatment.Use these tips when watering, cleaning, feeding and re-sealing.Fish Thorn ferns are native to northern new states, but have become weeds in parts of Sydney, New Zealand, South Africa and QueenslandAn important reminder to responsibly handle unwanted plants.However, there is no harm to nephroannis in the house.Both Ferns have long, lace-up leaves, like a cool one --Away from the direct sunlight, the humidity is good, and the drought is more unbearable than the wet feet.It looks great hanging in the basket but can get big.8.Super-Spider plant (hanging orchid) is a great hanging plant with long, thin leaves and gracefully arched on the container.Alice Crowe decided to give up her legal profession and study plants.She has now installed plant displays at 2018 Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show and won gold medals.We asked Alice about her top indoor plant tips.It produces small white flowers on long stems, which also carry seedlings, which eventually grow roots and fall off as a new plant.It's also very hard to be between water for a long time and can endure a dark environment or bright light.They are a bit like a "gray" plant that was overused in the 1970 s, but are now enjoying a return as well as macrame flower pot hangers from the same era.An air-Non-cleaning factorytoxic to pets.Winning!9.A lovely, large, lush leaf with lots of hearts may remind the tropical region of the fact that few plants can resemble a lovely chain of care (Ceropegia woodii)Native to southern Africa, it is a juicy vine that produces paired Hearts.Shaped leaves and beautiful tubular pink flowers.Like all fleshy plants, it requires excellent drainage and should only be watered when dry.It likes the bright position (the leaves fade if it is too dark) and produces wood water --As you grow older, store bloat at the bottom.10.Forever greenAglaonemas (ag-li-o'-knee-Ma), also known as evergreen tree in China, is very easy to grow and breed. now there are all kinds of changes with basic luster, SpearLeaves in shape (reminiscent of peace lily, which is relevant) but with patterns in silver, green, yellow, cream, red or pink.Native to subtropical forests of Asia and New Guinea, they are fascinating plants that thrive even in the driest places.All they ask is to stay warm (above 15 °c), stay away from the sun and water the potted mixture when it dries to touch.11.On wings and prayer plants --Members of the genus Ctenanthe-It is a tenacious tropical undergrowth from South America, with various colors and patterns, and charming stripes and Miscellaneous colors on the leaves;Below many people are purple.They are called Prayer plants because some species fold the leaves in the evening, just like the hands of prayer.They prefer a well indoors.Warm place (above 13)15 °C), do not like to be flooded;Allow the soil to dry between water.12.As an arrow commonly referred to as an arrow, Syngonium podophyllum is a ground cover plant from tropical America associated with philodendrons.The best-The known form has a big heart.White and green leaf shapes, but a large number of new varieties are being cultivated.In the family and garden section dedicated to ABC Life, there is a lot of content on how to deal with the challenges we face at home.All temperatures are above 16 °C and prefer a wellStay away from the bright and humid areas of direct sunlight, although they will cope with some shadows.Let the top of the filling mixture dry a little between the water.The shape of the leaves changes as the plants mature, so some cut the climbing stem to keep the plant dense and the arrows of the leaves --shaped.Looking for a variety of moonlight, it climbs less than pink neon lights and white butterflies.Another poisonous plant away from children and pets.Note: Many plants can become weeds outside;Always handle unwanted plants responsibly and check with the local parliament or the national environment department for any restrictions.
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