
How to make grilling safer - the best gas bbq grills

by:Longzhao BBQ     2020-04-29
How to make grilling safer  -  the best gas bbq grills
(Health.com) --When dog day was staged in Boston, USA, Stephanie Meyers began cooking outdoors to keep the interior cool.Meyers grills--a lot--As a nutritionist at DanaFarber Cancer Institute, she knows that burning meat on open fire can cause cancer.Substances that may be harmful when eating (known as carcinogens ).To make the barbecue healthier, she insisted on the same advice she gave the patient."I followed my own advice and baked a lot of vegetables," she said ."."As we all know, in order to see what happens, I put all sorts of things on the grill."(She's not kidding: plums, kale and Swiss beets are one of her favorite experiments in the past.) Unlike meat, vegetables do not produce carcinogens when burnt.But the cancer risk from barbecue meat is not great and you need to give up burgers, hot dogs and steaks altogether.Experts say taking some precautions during the barbecue will minimize health risks without sacrificing the taste of delicious charcoal.Health.Com: 15 healthy grilled chicken proteinsFilling foods such as meat and fish produce two compounds that can lead to cancer: cyclic amine (HCAs) and multi-ring aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH ).When cooking at high temperatures, HCAs is formed in the meat.While frying and grilling also produce these chemicals, the burnt portion of the edge of the barbecue meat contains the purest HCAs.HCAs also found in cigarette smoke have been shown to cause organ cancer including stomach, colon, liver and skin-But only in animal research.It is not clear whether HCAs will cause the same problem in people.Still, the U.S.The Department of Health and Human Services said the chemicals were "reasonably expected to be human carcinogens."Health.Com: when eating the second compound-hydrocarbons, the easier way to breathe is formed when the juice in the meat drops onto a coal or other hot surface and produces smoke.The smoke contains these carcinogens, which are deposited on the surface of the meat when it rotates around the food.Colleen Doyle, director of nutrition and physical activity at the American Cancer Society, said the risks posed by these two substances should not lead to death.The hard grill put away their oversized cutlery."From our point of view, there is not enough clear research that will allow us to tell people not to have a barbecue at all," she said .".But Doyle added that there are some ways to minimize exposure to carcinogens while barbecuing.She recommends cleaning the grill before cooking so that any burnt pieces that may stick to the food can be removed.If some parts of the meat you are cooking are badly burnt, cut them off.Health.Com: The best healthy burger recipe. In addition, a little pre-cooked food before the barbecue will help to reduce the amount of PAH.Meyers recommends putting the meat in the microwave and stirring between 60 seconds (for more streamlined meat) and 90 seconds (for thicker, fatter meat.This reduces the amount of time the food is placed on the grill and allows some juice to be discharged in advance.According to Meyers, some recipes can also make the barbecue safer.The marinade made of vinegar or lemon acts as an "invisible shield" that can change the acidity of the meat and prevent PCBs from sticking to it, she said.(On the other hand, only in the last one to two minutes on the grill should sugary marinades like barbecue sauce be used to encourage the grill.If possible, Meyers suggests replacing meat with grilled vegetables or fruit.Carcinogens in burnt meat are not the only health problems associated with barbecues.Although for many, the taste of juicy steak floating on the grill is synonymous with the beginning of summer, the smoke with the aroma is not satisfactory.Health.Com: a 2003 report by researchers at Rice University in Houston, Texas, found that barbecues produce "fine particulate matter in the environment "---In other words, air pollution.Although backyard barbecues are much smaller than air pollution from cars and factories, the particles can still cause problems.In the concentrated amount, smoke on the grill can cause respiratory disease in people with asthma or chronic pulmonary disease (chronic lung obstruction."Anyone who is sensitive to smoke should avoid being exposed to the grill ---Or fire, or truck, "said Paul Billings, vice president of publicity for the American Lung Association."They should protect themselves by limiting exposure to any source that stimulates the lungs."Billings recommends cooking on gas or propane grills to reduce pollution from emissions.If you have a charcoal grill, replacing lighter liquids with a chimney launcher can also prevent you from inhaling harmful chemicals, he says.Buy lean meat, remove most of the fat, and wrap food like fish in foil packs, all of which will help reduce smoke and reduce the amount of juice dripping on the grill.Health.Com: 9 mouth watering BBQ restaurantsThe home chef should grill as safely as possible, and Meyers emphasizes that you should not let the health risks of the grill spoil your appetite."Keep a risk perspective," she said .""Barbecue food is not the biggest cancer risk ---It's a bigger thing not to put sunscreen on the grill.If you like a barbecue, place the meat on the grill and use the safety tips.
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