
My partner 'was killed by a barbecue' - the best charcoal grill to buy

by:Longzhao BBQ     2020-04-29
My partner \'was killed by a barbecue\'  -  the best charcoal grill to buy
When Roland Weslin looked at his partner, Hazel Woodham, he knew at once that she was dead.What he does not know is that her murderer is still in the tent and his life is in danger.The carbon monoxide leaking from their extinguished barbecue is a color-free, odor-free gas.Hazel and Roland were poisoned while sleeping.Half the world's population uses basic carbon.Fuel based on coal, wood and feces to cook and heat their home, usually in poorly ventilated places.For most of us, the danger of being too close to open fire is obvious, but what many do not know is the potential fatal threat of a carbon fuel fire that is no longer burning.In 2011, Hazel and Roland started camping and bought a new tent.Hazel, 30, decided to take a short trip to Norfolk Avenue for a weekend of camping and kayaking.Barbecue safety source-She saw the deadly effects of carbon monoxide in her work --of-Crime officer, the couple had a carbon monoxide alarm at home, but they didn't expect to bring it on their trip."We do all the cooking outside the tent, which is beautiful and safe," Roland explained .".But a few hours later they decided to bring the barbecue to the tent to prevent rain and passers-by."The taste of the barbecue is very cold.It doesn't smoke, it doesn't shine, it doesn't seem to move at all."We put it on the porch of the tent and we slept."But the barbecue is not active at all.When the fuel is burned, the carbon monoxide emitted is converted into relatively harmless carbon dioxide.But once the flame is extinguished, carbon monoxide will continue to be produced and will no longer burn.In a well-It's no problem, but in the air of Roland and HazelCarbon monoxide accumulates to toxic levels and floods them."I remember waking up in the morning feeling very uncomfortable and very lost."To be honest, I never felt my life was worse," Roland recalled ."."I started screaming for help, but we chose a specific part of the camp that was very hidden.Nobody listens to me.Roland finally found him and was rushed to the hospital.It was not until then that the doctor realized that the carbon monoxide content in his blood was amazing.high.When inhaling carbon monoxide, it enters the blood and binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells, replacing and blocking oxygen molecules that normally attach.Carbon monoxide advantage: the choice of the NHS is very high, as is the case with Roland and Hazel, carbon monoxide can quickly replace almost all oxygen.The victim was actually suffocated, and the organs quickly lacked the oxygen needed.The brain is particularly fragile and suffocates in just four minutes.Those who survive may see this effect deteriorate in the coming days and weeks.They may have symptoms including inattention, hearing and visual difficulties, and emotional effects including anxiety and depression.Giving pure oxygen can eliminate carbon monoxide in hemoglobin and is necessary in the early and hours after poisoning.This is usually done using a basic oxygen mask.But Roland was treated with hyperbaric oxygen.Where oxygen is delivered under high pressureExperts believe this helps reduce inflammation and prevent long-termBrain damage.He was lucky to be close to the treatment center and his nervous system recovered well.During treatment, the patient was seated in a pressurized oxygen chamber, which was originally used by scuba divers with decompression sickness."It's kind of like flying and traveling with yourself and your companions," explains Dr. Pete bosama, medical director of the London high pressure ward at Whipps Cross Hospital."We give them oxygen under pressure for about 30 minutes, then they take a break and then they have more oxygen."But the research on the treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning by hyperbaric oxygen is contradictory.A 2011 review of the best study found that there was not enough evidence to recommend it as a treatment.The experts agreed that further work was needed.But even high pressure therapy is not perfect.The best way to deal with carbon monoxide is not to be poisoned by it in the first place."It's like any other nerve damage," Dr. Bothma said .".Our understanding of the brain and how to reduce the damage to it is very bad.Prevention is definitely the key.
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