
outdoor fire pit b&q How do I Build a Firepit on a Hill?

by:Longzhao BBQ     2019-08-15
outdoor fire pit b&q How do I Build a Firepit on a Hill?
With beautiful views of the hills, it is an ideal place to entertain guests around the fire pit at night.While building a fire pit on the mountain seems like a challenging project, it is done in roughly the same way as building a fire pit on the ground.The main difference is that you may need to dig more pits on the mountain instead of digging on flat ground to make sure the base is level.
Choose the location of the mountain to locate the fire pit.Painted inner and outer rings.Place the inner circle 12 inch inside the outer circle.This is the inner ring of the pit.The outer ring is the outer edge of the fire pit wall.
Dig out the space between the outer ring and the inner ring at a depth of 6 inch.Dig out the center of the inner circle at a depth of 4 inch.The depth of some places in the fire pit may be deeper to make sure the ground is flat on the mountain.
Measure the ground with your eyes to make it level.At this stage of the process, it is not necessarily perfect.Use the tablet comp machine to consolidate the dug fire pit part.
Fill the dug area between the outer ring and the inner ring with 2 inch of sand, or use the inner ring to level it as needed.Fill the remaining ring with 4 inch gravel, or fill the space between the outer ring and the inner ring as needed.Use gravel to lay the first banner stone around the pit.
Check each stone with level.
Hit the stone with a mallet to adjust it.
Build the remaining layers until they reach a height of 24 inch.Stagger the seam between the stones so you can place the stone above in the center of the seam of the stone below.This creates a solid wall.Fill the interior of the fire pit with 3 inch gravel.
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