Pork Belly Barbecue - the best charcoal bbq grill
by:Longzhao BBQ
Mix garlic, ginger, octagonal, soy sauce, Haixin, brown sugar, honey and rice wine vinegar in a bowl of the right size, stir well and make a marinade.Put your pork belly in the marinade and soak it for 3 to 4 hours.Before you marinate the pork belly, cut some cracks on the meat so that the marinade can penetrate further into the meat.Remove the pork from the marinade and wipe the marinade as much as possible.Keep the marinade.Heat a bit of oil in a frying pan and quickly seal the meat around, keeping in mind that the pork will quickly caramel because of the sugar content.After sealing, put the pork in the baking tray.Add a little water to the frying pan and the remaining marinade until the mixture starts boiling.Pour the marinade on the pork and make sure the liquid reaches half of the pork.Cover the tray with some oil proof paper and then cover the tray with some foil.Put in the oven at 80 °c and cook for 2 hours or until the meat is soft.Once cooked, carefully remove the pork from the bra liquid.Line up on a shallow tray with oil proof paper.Carefully place the cooked pork belly on paper.Cover with another oil-proof sheet and finish with a tray at the top.Weigh the milk container of 2lt on it and press the cooked pork belly.Put it in the fridge and let it cool completely, it's better to put it all day before use.The day of B is coming.B.Q.Open the cooked pork belly.Cut into thick strips, about 4-5 cm wide.Heat a little oil on the grill of B.B.Q.Gently warm the pork belly.
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