portable charcoal grill stand Fire Safety for Kids While Camping
by:Longzhao BBQ
The campfire will bring real danger to the children.The sound, smell and heat generated by the campfire make it one of the most attractive features of any camping trip.In fact, however, it was a fire that made everyone, especially children, aware of the importance of the risk factors involved.Adults can take some fire safety precautions to ensure that the fire does not turn into a potential tragedy.When approaching a campfire or charcoal grill, supervised children should be supervised at any time.Any activities, such as bonfire cooking or grilled hot dogs and marshmallows, should be supervised by adults.For this purpose, the long stick is the best, and children should be warned in advance not to push stle or rough treatment near the fire.Children should get help from adults when trying to bake hot dogs or marshmallows with a stick.Older children should be as far away from the fire as possible when doing this activity.Keep in mind that as bedtime approaches, even after the fire has burned, the presence of hot afterfires and coal can bring significant to unattended children (especially barefoot children)Any lighters, matches, and potentially flammable liquids should not be the place where young children come into contact with them.The place of fire shall be within the scope of the fire pit camp.If there is no pit, choose a suitable place carefully to keep your fire pit away from the trees, from the branches that stretch out, the tall grass and the dead wood.The ground around the campfire should not have any debris that could burn, and it is possible to spread the fire to the surrounding area.Anything that could cause the child to travel potentially near the fire should be removed, so be sure to stay away from where the child is playing.Adults should establish a clear safe area near the campfire for activities such as cooking and relaxation.The children's play area should be away from the fire.Being alert, safe and putting out unattended campfire is a disaster waiting to happen.Fire should always be seen by someone nearby for any problems.Adults should never, however, put their children in charge of the campfire.Parents and guardians should try to make specific rules about who can come into contact with the fire in order to add wood or fire out.Safety measures require the wood of the fire to be no less than 5 feet away from the flame and headwind of the fire.There should always be a shovel and a bucket of water next to the campfire in case someone needs to put out a fire.Remember to start the fire fighting process at least 30 minutes before you plan to leave the camp.This will ensure that the fire is put out completely and correctly without leaving a glowing afterfire.Even the remnants of a burning bonfire can be reignited.A small gust of wind can reignite the fire, or can bring stuffy ash into the dry bushes nearby, causing wild fires.Cover burned-Put out the campfire with dirt or water to ensure that the ash and the remaining fire are completely extinguished.
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