by:Longzhao BBQ
Bernard Gladstone Zhan1985 this is a digital version of an article from The Times Print Archive, before it starts online in 1996.To keep these articles as they appear initially, the Times will not change, edit, or update them.There are occasional copywriting errors or other problems during the digitization process.Please send a report of such issues to archid_feedback @ nytimes.com.Despite the relatively mild weather in the area so far this winter, homeowners may also have to deal with occasional power outages, icy walks, in the cold weather, road jams and other emergencies due to winter storms or ice and snow build up.While there is nothing to do about controlling the weather, cautious homeowners can take steps to prepare for these unpleasant winter emergencies --And minimize the inconvenience caused by this winter storm.Because it may not be possible to go to a store or shopping center during a power outage or after a storm attack (the store may not even be open on the first day, or so ), the first thing homeowners should do is make sure there is always a supply of necessities in the House-Items that are almost always in short supply after the storm hits.This "emergency device" should include the following: flashlight and lanternWhen a power outage is after dark or lasts until late at night, the need for lighting is clearly one of the first things to consider.There should be enough flashlights to provide one for each adult family member.At least there should be a central location near the basement stairs or known to everyone, and easily found in the dark.All of these spare batteries should be placed in the corner of the refrigerator all year round (putting them in the refrigerator would be longer than storing them at room temperature ).There should also be some lanterns that can be set up in the center of the room for general lighting.Candles are a great help, but these candles can be a fire hazard if they are not properly cared for (put them on the right candle holder, or put them on a plate or other non-Flammable surfaces that will not be damaged by hot water droplets ).Emergency heating-Heating will quickly become an issue if there is a power outage for a long time, as most central heating systems require household current to run a blower or burner (or both ).Some gas-The burning hotair furnace can be opened and closed manually to allow hot air to circulate through convection, but this must be done with care --Ask your heating service staff so you know if you can do this safely with a heating system.Advertising greenhouses with fireplaces or firewood stoves can generate electricity without electricity, but make sure you have a lot of dry firewood on hand;You may find it difficult to find after the storm.Also, make sure the stove or fireplace is in good condition and ready to use and the chimney is clean.People who do not have a fireplace or stove should consider carrying one or two portable heaters with them.The electric heater is obviously useless in case of power failure, so the best option is UL-Listed (some communities have laws that prohibit use in homes, so please check if you have questions ).Keep in mind that these should not be used in fully enclosed rooms, so have a window open the crack or provide other ventilation at any time.Excess kerosene should be stored in an outdoor approved metal container.Emergency cookingWith the gas stove, there is no problem cooking.However, if the house is dependent on the electric range and there is a power outage, then fixing hot drinks or heating food can be a problem.If there is a fireplace or firewood stove in the house, then these can be used.Otherwise, it is better to have a cheap folding camping furnace on hand in this emergency.These use canned heat (such as Sterno) or disposable propane tanks that you can purchase at the hardware store.You can also use an outdoor charcoal grill, but make sure you have some dry charcoal on hand (or use a fresh propane tank if it's a gas grill ).Don't bring it indoors for use;Instead, place the grill in the garage (the door is open) or on the open porch.Please click on the box to verify that you are not a robot.The email address is invalid.Please re-enter.You must select the newsletter you want to subscribe.View all New York Times newsletters.Emergency foodEven if the store manages to stay open, you may not be able to find them for a while, so make sure you have cookies and canned staples on hand.Focus on packaged foods that do not have to be refrigerated and need to be prepared with little or no need at all.If there are children at home, don't forget cookies and other snacks to make them happy.If your house has its own well, some drinking water should also be storedPower failure will make the pump unable to work.Emergency repair-Strong winds, falling branches, and heavy snow can cause windows or doors to be torn off, and even cause the outer plates or roof plates of some houses to be torn off.After the storm, it may take you a few days to get the contractor to do the necessary repairs, so carry a roll of heavyweight plastic film with you while protecting the interior.It can be used to cover broken windows or wall parts before permanent repairs.To secure the plastic in place, you need a large roll of tape and some wood strips and nail strips (thick plank strips or Batten strips can ).Most of the time, the tape around the edge is enough, but if not, the plastic can be fixed with wooden strips nailed around the edge.In addition to the "emergency supplies" listed above, here are some other pointers that can help you solve problems that arise when a sudden winter storm hits :-If there is a power failure, please turn off all major appliances so that when the power is back to normal, all appliances will not be turned on immediately;This may result in a temporary voltage drop that may damage the appliance and may overload the circuit again.-Do not turn on the refrigerator and freezer when the power is off, which is absolutely necessary.If it is not opened, the fridge will keep the food for about 24 hours and if it is not opened, the fridge will remain for at least 48 hoursEspecially if they are almost full.-If you don't have a central heating system, let the family stay in one room.It's easier to heat up a room, and even the body temperature in all rooms will help.A version of this article was printed on page WC11 of the National edition on January 6, 1985, with the title: home clinic;Prepare for winter emergencies
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