
Shelter: Rosemont-La-Petite-Patrie bargain was a wise investment - built in stainless steel charcoal grill

by:Longzhao BBQ     2020-04-24
Shelter: Rosemont-La-Petite-Patrie bargain was a wise investment  -  built in stainless steel charcoal grill
Lucy Lanteigne enjoys outdoor activities.
She grew up in Laval and spent some time in the Mont-Tremblant area before moving to University in Montreal.
Lanteigne loves kayaking, canoeing and cycling, and her lifestyle is "perfect ".
She is general manager of Vero, Quebec.
Promote profit organizations that use bicycles for leisure and ecology
Friendly way of transportation.
It's only 15 minutes from her home in Rosemont. La-Petite-
Patrie goes to her office in Rachel St.
Use bike lanes.
Lenteigne and her partner Sonya share a duplex apartment near Angus store, a former manufacturing and repair facility for Pacific Rail Canada.
They bought 1,600square-
Bought the foot property in 1991 for $125,000.
It could be worth four times today.
As Lanteigne says, "We're just lucky, of course not" the couple lives on the main floor (and one and a half more
Finished basement), they rented out the upper floor.
They renovated their house several times over the years.
The most recent decoration is the kitchen in the summer of 2015-
A $30,000 renovation supervised by Magog designer José Chouinard.
With the help of the architects, they also landscaped their large backyard, creating an outdoor "room" for the summer ".
This is an ideal place for their dog Miro and entertaining friends, who often do so.
So you didn't realize that the duplex would be a good investment, not a real one.
We didn't have much money at the time, so we were looking for a place that wasn't too expensive.
This duplex apartment is ideal and is in a very good shape.
How did you find it by exploring the neighborhood.
We looked at a few places but they either needed a lot of work or the price was too high.
Our Duplex was built some time after the war, probably in the 1950 s.
It has only one family to live in, so was well taken care.
But did you specifically target the area and we look around here as the property is still cheap.
Not as fashionable as today.
The Angus store is closed with no service and nothing.
For a while, I really had a second idea of moving here.
Of course, it all changed.
Now we have restaurants everywhere.
The architectural heritage in the Angus store that respects what I really like.
(Lanteigne took me through the open living/dining area, pointing out the furniture inherited from her home or the furniture purchased for the second time --hand—an oval mid-
Century teak table with matching chairs, glass
Display cabinets, sofas and home office space are placed.
The walls were painted light green and throughout the apartment the designer chose other pastel shades.
) Our furniture is really a mix and match, and the challenge for José is to create an environment that doesn't conflict with a variety of colors and styles.
She was really nice so we hired her again to renovate the kitchen.
The kitchen looks modern and simple.
The color palette is gray and white.
White subway tiles on the back and charcoal on the floor
Color ceramic.
The countertop is quartz and electrical-also new —
It's stainless steel. A glass-
Through the cedar deck, the paneled door leads to the backyard.
(The Garden is isolated from its neighbors, with sheds and strategic shrubs and bushes.
One end is an oak tree.
There is a piece of grass and many flowers, but most of the yard is covered with large slabs.
An area was reserved for growing herbs and vegetables.
There is a parasol on the other table that will allow diners to cool in the sun.
It's a super garden!
It's really like having an extra room. Absolutely!
We were outside all the time.
I have a canoe and a kayak with space to store them.
(She pointed to the ship stacked in the corner of the yard.
There is more storage space in the basement and the couple can store the bike.
Lanteigne has built a complete
She can repair and maintain their equipment workshops.
Our tenant said she might leave next year.
We may take back the floor and use it ourselves, but we haven't made up our minds yet.
If you would like your home to be considered a sanctuary, please contact the sanctuary as a weekly series to have a conversation with the tenant or apartment owner.
Partner Sonya Lucie Lanteigne 56 and golden retriever/German Shepherd combo Rosemont-Milo, 51La-Petite-
Patrie (Angus store) 800 square feet plus half
Finished basement and 875sq. ft.
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