
stainless steel natural gas grill Superplasticity in a lean Fe-Mn-Al steel

by:Longzhao BBQ     2020-01-04
stainless steel natural gas grill Superplasticity in a lean Fe-Mn-Al steel
Superplastic alloys exhibit extremely high scalability (> 300%) when stretched, without cracksDeformation at more than half the temperature.Superplastic similar to the flow behavior of honey is caused by grain boundary sliding in metal.Although a few nonBlack and Black superplastic alloys are reported, and their practical application is limited due to high material cost, low post-forming strength, high deformation temperature and complex manufacturing process.Here we introduce a new combination of lean (Fe-6.6Mn-2.3Al, wt.%) Manganese steel in super plastic has solved these restrictions.Medium manganese steel is characterized by small grain size, low material cost and simple manufacturing.e.Conventional hot and cold rolling, Low deformation temperature (ca.650 ° c) and excellent scalability of more than 850 at 1300% ° cWe suggest this ultra-fineThe grain formation of medium mnsteel may accelerate the commercial of super-plastic black alloy.Superplasticity is defined as ultra-high plasticity of more than 300% without cracking, which is mainly achieved by grain boundary sliding (GBS.The effect of fine crystal size, low strain rate, high deformation temperature and other factors makes it within the melting point range of more than half.The extreme scalability of the superplastic alloy enables it to form parts of almost any complex shape.So far, most of the research on super plastic is inBlack materials such as zinc, nickel, aluminum and Ti alloys.Although these compounds show good super-plastic properties, they are not suitable for mass production and ultra-Plastic Forming (zinc and aluminum alloy) for high-strength applications due to high material cost (Ni and Ti alloys) insufficient post-strength.In order to overcome these restrictions, ironBase superplastic alloys such as duplex stainless steel (DSS) and ultra-high carbon steel (UCS) have been developed.Although these steel show promising superplasticity, due to its high alloy content (Cr, Ni and Mo), High material cost and high deformation temperature (> 800 °c ), these steel in the case of DSS, in the case of UCS, the manufacturing process is complex.In recent years, Fe-Less ~ Medium manganese steel (MMSs) of 10 wt ).% Mn and ~0.3u2009wt.% C has been actively investigated as NextDue to its low material cost and excellent mechanical properties, the new generation of automotive steel.The alloy has a uniform composite structure and is composed of α ferrite and γ ferrite after cold rolling and critical annealing at a temperature of about 600-900 °c.These two phases have small isoaxial crystals with a diameter from ~ Range from 300nm to 3 μm.Because the fine grain size is known (less than or equal ~ 10 μm) is a prerequisite for Super plastic and Super PlasticThe grain MMSs has good super-plastic extensibility.Still, only straight extensions and UCSs have been studied as iron so farSuper plastic material.Here, we propose and develop a new super-plastic MMS for mass production of complex shapes and high-strength parts.Super plastic MMS with dual functionAlpha-phase and gamma-phase tissues have low material cost, simple manufacturing process, significant total elongation (> 1300%), low deformation temperature (650 °c and above) the high strain rate is above 1.0u2009×u200910u2009s.In addition, unlike superplastic DSS with the same double strain, MMS reveals that there is significant dislocation hardening even under high strainPhase microstructure.
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