
Take a Look Inside Al Roker's Gorgeous New York City Brownstone - stainless steel natural gas grill

by:Longzhao BBQ     2020-04-25
Take a Look Inside Al Roker\'s Gorgeous New York City Brownstone  -  stainless steel natural gas grill
Wondering how you can now see how your favorite meteorologist lives!
Al Locke and his wife, Deborah Roberts, opened their gorgeous brown stones for nearly a week and showed the magazine their bright dining room, backyard and kitchen.
The Today Show grew up in New York
The anchor has always dreamed of living in brown rocks.
"He talked about them a lot when we were dating," Roberts told Closer . ".
"I saw them on The Cosby Show and across from high school," added Al, 62 . ".
"I always thought it was a real 'New York life' and a good thing about the city.
"But his 21-year-old wife has a different view of them.
"I'm more of an apartment-with-a-
"The doorman girl," she explained.
"On Park Avenue," said Locke. "Or Fifth! " Roberts adds.
The couple had a big dream for a long time and they realized their dream.
Even Roberts can't deny the beauty of the house they found.
Deborah recalled the first visit to their future house and said, "I think, 'Okay, okay. '.
"He asked me to be 'hello' with this one '.
"However, like any home purchase, there are still some changes to be made.
"We want a bigger kitchen because Al loves to cook and the basement is just a concrete dungeon," Roberts said . ".
The TV couple also revealed that they put three (!
Grill in the backyard.
"Al is the grill master!
The ABC News reporter said.
As can be seen from the photos, the decoration of the restaurant is classic cherry wood furniture.
The living room was paved with wooden floors and molded on the ceiling, but the kitchen broke the tradition.
The couple's professional kitchen comes with stainless steel appliances and white cabinets, unlike other gorgeous rooms in the home.
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