Top tips for the perfect summer barbecue from Ben Tish, head chef at London’s Salt Yard - the best charcoal grill to buy
by:Longzhao BBQ
1.For a better taste, buy the best charcoal you can afford: find the Britishgrown lump-Charcoal from sustainable woodlands-deformed, brittle, lightweight-is better than even compressed coal balls.Many companies sell them and they will deliver them.At the Salt Farm, we used the London Log Company.2.Eco-Friendly, organic fiber made of compressed paper is better than spraying a gasoline on a barbecue or using compressed white fiber full of chemicals.3.Put your coal at the perfect temperature before you start cooking.This should be about 30 minutes after being lit.Wait for the flame to go out and the charcoal to turn gray-just when it's ready.
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