
Turkey to limit foreign steel imports in response to US metal tariffs - stainless steel natural gas grill

by:Longzhao BBQ     2020-04-27
Turkey to limit foreign steel imports in response to US metal tariffs  -  stainless steel natural gas grill
Earlier this year, the United States will
Import duties of 20% and 50% are imposed on Turkish aluminum and steel respectively.
The trade dispute between Ankara and Washington has been deepening since, when US President Donald Trump initially imposed 10 and 25% tariffs on aluminum and steel imports from US trading partners, including Turkey
Ankara said the tariffs were unacceptable and promised retaliation.
The Turkish Trade Ministry says the US tariff hike violates WTO rules.
In a document published by the WTO, Ankara stated that "these protection policies are unforeseen developments that directly affect the number of products in question imported to Turkey.
Read more: Trump has doubled steel and aluminum tariffs on Turkey. He explained: "Turkey is an attractive market for these more and more steel products under [protection measures]
Therefore, measures that have already begun to be implemented worldwide . . . . . . This has led to an increase in imports of related products to Turkey.
According to the record, the quota for tablet products is set to 3.
1 million tons, less than half of 8 tons.
Turkey imported 4 million tons in 2017.
The quota for long-term products is 558,534 tons, compared with 1 ton imported in 2017. 3 million tons.
The quota for pipes and pipes is set at 273,901 tons, the quota for stainless steel is 139,934 tons, and the quota for railway materials is 27,044 tons.
Less than half of the 2017 imports.
Quota does not apply to hot-
Because it is not rolled stainless steel produced in Turkey.
Ankara was not the first country to file a complaint with the WTO about US trade practices.
The European Union, Canada, China and Russia have also challenged import tariffs.
According to WTO rules, Ankara and Washington now have 60 days to settle the dispute through negotiations.
If they fail, the WTO may rule on the matter.
Pustinstatitics of the Turkish iron and steel exporters association says U. S. trade tariffs are disguised economic sanctions that show the country's steel exports are worth $11.
5 billion last year, accounting for 7.
3% of total exports, valued at $157 billion.
The United States is the largest importer of Turkish steel, importing about $1.
1 billion worth of metal.
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