why smart cooking will help reduce air pollution and save lives - long burning charcoal briquettes
by:Longzhao BBQ
American student Yina Sun vividly recalled her trip to Awendo, a Kenyan town.
"Every house I visit has a mother cooking at a family of three --
The stone stove, the smoke on her face, spread everywhere.
Standing in the same room, the feeling of choking from the smoke really affected me.
It is devastating to know that millions of women in Kenya live in this way and breathe in smoke every day.
"Used to cooking with gas in the United States. S.
Yina didn't realize how serious the problem of cooking with charcoal and firewood was until visiting Awendo.
About 84% of households in Kenya still use small stoves, similar to portable grills that Americans often use on road trips, to prepare daily meals.
The black soot on these stoves covers the house, forcing the user
Dominated by women
Keep cleaning.
About 15,000 deaths nationwide are directly related to household air pollution (HAP)
It is estimated that 36 million Kenyans have been affected by Yonhap.
The problem is global, because cooking with charcoal poses a serious threat to the health and environment of about 3 billion people around the world, cooking and heating with open flames and stoves, burning coal, wood or crop waste.
An article in The Journal of Natural Science says the number of deaths worldwide from persistent inhalation of smoke exceeds the sum of HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis.
World Health Organization (WHO)
In addition, more than 4 million premature deaths are estimated
Diseases related to solid fuel cooking.
A local social enterprise is working to change this by promoting the use of charcoal coal balls made from sugar cane, a non-smoking long-time agricultural waste --
Durable alternatives to charcoal and firewood.
Founded by Tom Osborn, a Kenyan social entrepreneur, Green Char was developed through online research and collaboration with MIT researchers.
The organization estimates that about 10 kg22lbs)
20 kg of wood (44lbs)of CO-
Offset 2 related emissions per 2 kg (4lbs)
Coal ball bags for sale.
Coal balls are non-smoking when burned, reducing health risks and carbon dioxide
Related emissions.
Given that GreenChar's coal balls are 35% cheaper than charcoal, a family can save up to $200 a year on cooking fuel, which is enough to pay a semester's tuition for a child.
By using these charcoal coal balls instead of regular charcoal or firewood, Kenyan families can actively curb deforestation. Close to 1.
Kenya produces 6 million tons of sugar cane per year, although the quantity may be as high as 2 tons. 6 million.
The plant has paid considerable costs for transporting sugar cane to the dump, but these residues still cause serious environmental problems.
Making charcoal coal balls from sugar cane provides a way to solve these waste disposal problems.
Noting this, GreenChar deliberately created a molding fuel that is the same as normal charcoal, reducing the learning curve of families, especially women, to a large extent, who are often responsible for cooking and heating.
As a result, the organization did not train families on how to use coal balls.
Instead, it organized community projects with a focus on educating women about the dangers of using wood
Generally, charcoal and firewood are the main ones.
Since the sale began in February 2015, GreenChar has sold 10 tons of charcoal coal balls, 2 kg kilograms per bag, which contains about 30 pieces of coal balls for $0. 70 per bag.
A package can be used for up to two or three days per family.
The organization also created a micro
It provides loans to women through the franchise model, enabling them to become business owners as they gradually become the sole owners of kiosks.
In addition, it provides them with financial knowledge training and business development support.
"One of our Micro
Previously, the franchisee sold charcoal but doubled her income by selling our coal balls.
Yina said, "we have curated this model for a long time, so it's a great achievement to see it actually happen.
For Ina, working with these women to get them involved and empower them is one of the biggest achievements that greenka has achieved so far.
Shortly after his initial visit to Awendo, Tom invited Yina to help GreenChar grow into a business.
Driven by the organization's potential to influence the lives of the Awendo people, Yina served as chief operating officer, developing a new strategy and overseeing its implementation.
The company is currently producing and selling charcoal coal pellets in western Kenya, eventually expanding the market to Kenya and East Africa.
Given the recently released products, the company still faces the challenge of financial sustainability.
However, it hopes to focus on making part of the family profitable in the coming years.
Yina believes that society changes when people are not satisfied with the problems they encounter in the community and decide to take action.
While one or two people may have triggered this action, "a village is needed" to create lasting social change ".
GreenChar has found a large group of people who want to improve the Stove Industry and promote the health of millions of people.
Raluca Besliu from Romania highlighted the work of young innovators and entrepreneurs around the world.
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