
woman is offered a refund and $15 worth of loyalty points after she discovers a rusty nail inside a chicken thigh she bought from a supermarket - the grill rust

by:Longzhao BBQ     2020-04-23
woman is offered a refund and $15 worth of loyalty points after she discovers a rusty nail inside a chicken thigh she bought from a supermarket  -  the grill rust
A woman found a rusty nail in the boneless chicken leg she bought at the supermarket, and she almost bit to death.
Nadia Petersen from Whangarei, North Island of New Zealand, picked up a pack of sealed chicken from the Countdown supermarket chain of Regent Whangarei on Wednesday.
But after she prepared the mealyear-
The old found a nail hidden inside the thigh and was shocked.
"I opened the bag, sprinkled the seasoning on it, put the chicken in the oven pan, and put it on the grill. I turned it several times and saw nothing, she told the Australian Daily Mail.
"Once I ate half of it on the plate and when I picked up a sticking nail I slipped a rusty one.
"I just held it and stared at it for a few seconds and tried to deal with it and ran out and spit. 'The 32-year-
The old man acted quickly to ensure that Rust did not cause any health problems and called the health hotline and the poisoning center, which told her it should be OK.
Peterson MS tried to get in touch with the supermarket where she bought chicken and the countdown team in Auckland.
Mr. Petersen initially received an apology, a refund and 200 loyalty card points worth $15.
But after she shared her story on Facebookyear-
National Food Safety countdown manager called old on Thursday.
She was asked to bring chickens and needles.
She's frozen.
Go to a Countdown supermarket
It was almost impossible, he explained, because their meat apparently passed through the metal detector, but I assured him that I was talking about 100% of the facts, that's why I put it to Peterson, MS.
Don't believe it, MS Peterson said the Regent's store-
Where she first bought chicken.
She said they gave me a $50 coupon on the spot, wrote down my details again and gave me a large pack of chicken.
"Then we all looked at the chicken and the nails and felt like we could see where the nails were sitting.
A spokeswoman for the countdown told the Australian Daily Mail that they had communicated with MS Peterson.
Food safety is our top priority, and we have a very thorough procedure to ensure that we conduct an appropriate investigation into any complaint, the spokesman said.
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