
World Chefs: The Neelys bring BBQ out of the South - the best gas bbq grills

by:Longzhao BBQ     2020-05-03
World Chefs: The Neelys bring BBQ out of the South  -  the best gas bbq grills
TORONTO (Reuters Life!) -In 1988, when the four brothers opened a restaurant in downtown Memphis with only tables, chairs and a barbecue grill, no one could guess Neely's bar --B-Que will be one of the most successful restaurants in Southern America.But after 10 years, the restaurant has doubled, the barbecue war has started and won. Husband and wife Pat and Gina team will broadcast a new TV show on the Food Network about the barbecue secrets of the Neely family."Go home with Neelys" will give viewers a peek at the fun of the kitchen --Couples who love cooking learn how to make barbecue pasta, Memphis-Style Hickory-Smoked pork ribs and sweet and spicy cabbage.In a telephone interview with Reuters, Neelys talked about keeping the barbecue fresh and why in their family, each barbecue is better than fried.Q: They said that you have to choose barbecue or fried food in the South.Why barbecue?P: "It's not true.We like fried and BBQ.If you come to Memphis, dear, you will go to the barbecue.G: "You can wet it or dry it, but you will grill it.Q: What prompted you to open a barbecue business?P: "It has always been a love for food in my life.Cooking is something you really have to love, Gina and I have always been passionate about cooking, so it's not a tough decision, it's something we want to live.Q: Are you surprised that the restaurant is so successful?P: "I have to say that our straight path was very bad at the time.What we want to do is make a living.We come from humble beginnings and we know one thing: we know how to grill, we know how to cook, we know to work hard.We put these two elements together, and for the last 20 years, we 've just done what we can to build this thing and do a great job every day.One of my motto is: Every day I open my restaurant and I open it like the first day I open it and do my best to move forward.Q: Have you ever thought about opening a restaurant outside the South?G: "We tried to keep a family member in every restaurant, which is one of our motto.You will always find a new member in every place, so I don't know if we still have more brothers willing to move right away.Q: How do you keep your BBQ recipes fresh and exciting?P: "I think what we 've been trying to do over the years is to sort of separate ourselves because there are more than 100 barbecue outlets in the Memphis metropolitan area, you have to find a way to create your own positioning, your own signature.So, we 've been trying to do something with a barbecue over the years, and you're going to say, "Wow!We made BBQ pasta.We made a British potato, a baked potato with pork, beef or cheese on it.We make BBQ corn flakes.We try to bring the barbecue to other places so it will bring you a wide variety of barbecues, not just a pork sandwich or pork ribs with torn hands.Q: What is the most important ingredient in your BBQ sauce?P: "You know, I believe the recipe is the recipe.But what really makes the recipe good is stick to it and be passionate about it.It's hard to say because we have so many ingredients in our BBQ sauce, but I think consistency and consistency are done right every day, and having some enthusiasm for doing it is the real ingredient.G: "Of course."Barbecue noodlesMake 2 to 3 services for Neely's BBQ sauce: 2 cups of ketchup1 cup of water 1/2 cups of apple wine vinegar 5 tablespoons of light brown sugar 5 tablespoons of sugar 1/2 tablespoons of fresh black pepper 1/2 tablespoons of onion powder 1/2 3 1/2 cups1.Put all the ingredients in a big pot.2.Boil the mixture and reduce it to sim.3.Cook for 1 hour and 15 minutes, find and stir frequently.Pasta: 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 small green pepper, 1/2 yellow onion, 1 tablespoon garlic, 1 pound pork, beef or chicken cut into small pieces after cookedsized pieces1.In a large pan, heat olive oil with medium heat, stir-fry peppers and onions until soft --About 1 to 2 minutes.2.Add garlic salt, add homemade barbecue sauce and bring it to a boil.3.Reduce the heat to low sim and add chopped meat.4.Fill a large pan with water, bring it to a boil, season it with salt, and add spaghetti.5.Cook for 7 minutes until al dente (hard but not hard), drain the spaghetti and stir with sauce.
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