
Gen green the artisan CNC grilled fish furnace achievements you high turn over rate industry information | | oven furnace grilled fish, roast mutton stove, grill, pizza oven - The artisan oven

by:Longzhao BBQ     2021-03-08
In miss Chen xu bridge near to work not long ago went to such a characteristic grilled fish restaurant, the biggest selling point of this restaurant is single. The Chinese restaurant can accommodate 200 people dining at the same time, the only need two chefs can work. Grilled fish shop name call out the fish. Soft opening on the first weekend in the evening, the store turned over 5 times, almost catch up with the record. Compared with other restaurant menu simple a lot, in addition to no other hot grilled fish. In the article do grilled fish. “ The fish has five varieties of dining-room, 18 kinds of flavors to choose from. ” Restaurant, sun, head & other; Ordinary restaurant front desk with the kitchen staff control in one to one, after the kitchen at some point to some more, but after our kitchen account for only a third of the total staff with less than a dozen other restaurant. ” New CNC CNC single-deck six grid grilled fish furnace small make up later learned that this restaurant turn table is so high, serving speed so fast, associated with using has been new CNC grilled fish furnace, the furnace grilled fish a fish produced six grilled fish, need only six minutes, charcoal fire grilled fish furnace produced three times faster than before. Stores the last said, is that the nc grilled fish furnace accomplished our turn over rate, thank you for Shanghai company. Next up: the furnace grilled fish why sell like hot cakes on an article: to do a good job, must first sharpen his device
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