
Instructions on the use of the barbecue equipment industry information | | oven furnace grilled fish, roast mutton stove, grill, pizza oven - The artisan oven

by:Longzhao BBQ     2021-03-08
Barbecue equipment should pay attention to safety when using, when using the equipment, we explain for everybody: a, barbecue equipment in use and after each part used in high temperature condition, do not touch, to avoid the high temperature scald. Second, the general equipment on the surface of the heating area, in use and after use please do not put hand and other easy to let objects in furnace, so as to avoid high temperature burn or damage to goods. Three, when using do not place flammable liquids near the body surface and, lest cause a fire. Four, please don't use hard objects by touching the equipment surface, so as not to scratch. Fifth, when the voltage is not enough, had better not use, so as not to cause damage of circuit, there is a fire. Six, best to bring gloves operation, in order to avoid high temperature burns. In addition, after use please send equipment surface is clean, in order to avoid the next time you use surface oil fire. Next up: use grill baked food can match a barbecue sauce: smoke-free barbecue grill equipment is complete!
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