
Man eat teppanyaki drink beer right foot is swollen up your bag and industry information | | oven furnace grilled fish, roast mutton stove, grill, pizza oven - The artisan oven

by:Longzhao BBQ     2021-03-08
6, 3 in the morning, the pagoda tree in zigui county zhou ping village, because of his right foot joint swelling pain, travel to local hospitals for medical treatment, inspection found that the blood uric acid exceeds bid badly, a diagnosis of gout attacks. Originally, 5 in the evening, Mr. Zhou and a few friends meet to eat teppanyaki, for drink ten bottles of beer, drunk sleep after returning home, only to find it wakes in the middle of the night. The doctor suggested, has a history of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and poor diet should pay attention to, don't will eat hot pot, barbecue with beer, then pay attention to drink more water, helping the excretion of uric acid blood. Next article: teppanyaki restaurant dining out fast on a: a burning teppanyaki practice 2 simple teppanyaki recipes
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