
Select the principle of kitchen utensils and appliances industry information | | oven furnace grilled fish, roast mutton stove, grill, pizza oven - The artisan oven

by:Longzhao BBQ     2021-03-08
1, the principle of health. Kitchen utensils should has the ability to resist pollution, in particular to prevent cockroaches, rats, ants, etc. The function of the contaminated food, to ensure that the immanent quality of the whole kitchen utensils. Some ambry has taken all installed on the market at present article bombs were sealed, this technology can effectively prevent food contamination. 2, the principle of fire prevention. Kitchen area is the only use naked light in contemporary household, material fire retardant ability of high and low, determines the kitchen utensils and appliances and the safety of their families, especially in the surface of kitchen utensils and appliances, fire prevention ability, but also the important standard of choosing kitchen utensils and appliances. So, normal kitchenware manufacturer production of kitchen utensils and appliances all use non-combustible surface materials, flame retardant materials. 3, the principle of convenience. The operation of the kitchen should have a reasonable process, therefore, on the design of the kitchen utensils and appliances, can be in the correct process to design the arrangement of each part, it is very important to be convenient for future use. And the position of the height of the hearth, condole ark, etc. , are directly affect the use of convenience. Therefore, to choose accord with human body engineering principle and operating procedure of kitchen utensils. The principle of 4, beautiful. Kitchen utensils and appliances not only requires the modelling, colour is pleasing, but also must have the persistence, therefore requires more easily to prevent pollution, good cleaning performance, this requires that the surface material has good oil resistance, resistance to the ability of lampblack, can make kitchen utensils and appliances is longer than the time to keep the surface clean as new. Next up: BBQ squid on the practice of an article: Korean barbecue grill remind vitamin C with barbecue food healthier
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