
Stopping the heat curing recipe industry information | | oven furnace grilled fish, roast mutton stove, grill, pizza oven - The artisan oven

by:Longzhao BBQ     2021-03-08
Stopping the heat throttle arrival, summer heat fading, but has not yet appeared in the true sense of autumn weather, & other; After summer & throughout; Still brave. On the diet, should pay attention to prevent dryness clearing damp. City henan food culture research association guo-jun wang recommended three limit of heat curing recipe to the readers, hope readers to try. Spinach sesame ingredients: 500 g fresh spinach, cooked sesame 15 grams, salt, sesame oil, monosodium glutamate right amount. Practice: wash spinach to root, in the boiling water pot boiling, remove to soak in cold water, cold after spray dry, cut into segments, into the pan, add salt, MSG, sesame oil, stir well, then sesame sprinkled in spinach. Efficacy: filling kidney, liver open heart run dry. Green pepper mix bean curd materials: 1 piece of tofu, green peppers, three parsley 10 grams, sesame oil, salt, monosodium glutamate right amount. Practice: tofu blanching, remove to cool, cut into 1 cm square xiaoding; Green pepper blanch in boiling water, chopped; Parsley piace thenminto. The bean curd, green pepper, parsley and sesame oil, salt, monosodium glutamate mix, sheng into the dish. Efficacy: yiqi, wide oneself dryness, qingrejiedu, appetizing, loss of appetite, especially for. Lily lotus seed soup materials: dried lily 100 grams, 75 g dried lotus seeds, 75 g sugar. Practice: lily rinse after a night of flooding. Lotus seed soaked 4 hours, rinse clean. The lily, lotus seeds into water pot, high heat after boiling, add in rock sugar, to continue to cook for 40 minutes. Efficacy: anshen yangxin, spleen and stomach. Next article: eating out 5 high levels of appearance and health diet a delicious and healthy: consult to see if your diet is science
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