
Use the outdoor barbecue grill how to choose a site location

by:Longzhao BBQ     2021-03-08
Now more popular outdoor activities a lot, including outdoor barbecue is one of the more common. Himself with the ingredients, grill, charcoal, tables and chairs, go out to enjoy the natural amorous feelings, enjoy the fun of diy. We need to choose before the barbecue stove, choosing location need to pay attention to what issues? 1. The choice of venue prepared food, spices, stoves, can to the outdoor barbecue. Can not all field suitable for barbecue, choose good scenery, good local transportation. Some forest region and ShuiKu District is forbidden to barbecue, need to know in advance. When selecting a location to pay special attention to safety, attention to fire prevention, barbecue sites around don't have too much shrubs or trees, don't be flammable items around the tuyere. Also note don't choose mosquito more places. Don't choose a cave, room and other places of closed barbecue, prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. 2. The placement of location selection of oven should choose a flat place, air door should be on the tuyere. The lighting is not an easy task, of charcoal and mechanism of carbon could add carbon mounds of accelerant, again after carbon burning itself out. If the condition allows, lit a bonfire, the carbon is put into the fire, carbon and remove after complete combustion, into the stove. If use the bonfire carbon don't forget to bring the sappers shovel. Carbon covered when you need to spread evenly, to ensure uniform fire. Carbon burning after don't rush to roast, the net first roast, carbon full red, is to start baking after complete combustion. Barbecue notice people don't stand in the draught, stretching, and fly out of Mars, it's easy to hurt people. Spring and autumn are generally suitable for barbecue season. Windy and rainy days are not suitable for outdoor barbecue. We know about the barbecue before using the environment, avoid to cause a fire, cause unnecessary damage, when using burn oven we should according to the instruction to burn oven, can't own feeling.
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