Ottawa supermarket specials Nov. 6 to 12 - gas grill with cast iron grates
by:Longzhao BBQ

Look at my (top) picks for the week of November.
From 6 to 12, sell 10-
Ontario potatoes, carrots, onions and beets are $1 per pound.
77 (approximately 18 kbps/lb ); alsowith five-
97 pound Ontario carrots, yellow onions and beets (about 19 pound/pound ).
My reward is a seasoned boneless pork tenderloin of 97 lbs ($2. 14/kg). 36-
Buy a box of red rose tea for $1.
According to the flyer, this is less than half the regular price.
Enter the round roast beef for $1. 99/lb ($4. 39/kg).
This is a popular, reasonably priced classic barbecue, and it's best to cook like this: take it out of the refrigerator about 60 minutes in advance and heat it up a little, then bake it on the stove in a recasting way --
The ironboard fish turns brown around (I often turn it Brown on the gas grill outside to prevent confusion and smoke in the House );
When Brown, put the wire rack in the heavy frypan, and then put the roasted fat in-
On the shelf facing up on the side;
Transfer to a preheated oven at 250 degrees F and bake for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours or until an instant --
Read the meat thermometer to show 110 degrees, then increase the heat to 500 degrees Fahrenheit and cook for another 15 to 20 minutes until the temperature of the meat reaches 140 degrees Fahrenheit;
After completion, remove from the oven, the tent with foil, and rest for 20 minutes to redistribute the juice before carving the grain.
Now, continue with the rest:, 2-
The Lb tube is $3 thin. 54 (=$1. 77/lb);
The $3 beef loin is baked. 99/lb ($8. 80/kg).
$1 ($2) per pound ). 20/kg);
Maple bacon $500G. 99;
$1 for boneless ribs or seasoned boneless ribs. 99/lb ($4. 39/kg);
A $1 boneless tenderloin roast. 99/lb ($4. 39/kg);
$1 roast shoulder or ribs. 99/lb ($4. 39/kg);
Fresh ribs or tenderloin, vac-pack, $2. 88/lb ($6. 35/kg);
$2 for bacon for 500/g, $1/pound full fried chicken ($2 ).
20/kg) 4 per customer;
$2 chicken breast without skin. 49/lb ($5. 49/kg).
Fresh bay scallops or $4. 54/lb ($10/kg);
Fresh tilapia fillets for $4. 99/lb ($11/kg);
And the clover leaf white tuna, solid, large or 170-g can $1. 99;
Gold Seal or clover red salmon 213-
Crock, or tuna solid or thin sheet 170-g can, $1. 99.
Selected selection of cheese 500-g tub $2. 49;
, Nordica cottage cheese, selection, 500-g tub 2 for $5;
Eggs of various brands are $1. 97/doz. , butter $2. 97/lb. , milk 4-L in bags $3. 97;
Black Diamond 168-g $2. 49;
Chocolate milk from Neilson or Beatrice 4-L bags $3. 99.
Sovereign English muffin 6-pack $1;
, Various off-brand bread $1. 47/loaf;
675g bread of Italian bread, hard shell bread or sausage bread 6-$5 8 Pack 3;
Old Mill bagels, selection, 6-pack 99¢.
$1 per 3 appleslb bag;
Mackintosh Apple 8-lb bag $4. 99;
$1 ($2) per pound, black plum, fairy citrus. 20/kg);
2 pieces of mango, $1; , pineapple $1. 99 each;
88 cents/pound of red globe grapes ($1. 94/kg);
Grandma Smith 79 cents/pound ($1) for Apple or batlitt pear ). 74/kg).
$1/pound ($2), hot tomatoes, green beans. 20/kg);
A $1 seed-free cucumber and lettuce;
Oak for $1 ($1), pumpkin for 2 lbs. 10/kg);
$1 ea; , broccoli $1;
Tomatoes on the vine are 99 cents/pound ($2 ). 18/kg).
Alan's apple juice. 2-L can $1;
Mort's Garden cocktail 945-mL bottle $1;
Oasis Health rest or pure orange juice 1. 75-
L carton, selected variety, $1. 99;
Rougemont apple juice 2-L bottle $1. 99;
Oasis juice 1. 75-L carton $1. 97;
, Minutes Maid frozen orange juice $3 4.
, 775G of all gluten tablets in Kellogg, miniWheats 540-
555g, 460g of universal Mill Honey Nut cereal, 340-500 g, $2. 49/box;
, Kellogg Corn Flakes, Raisin Bran, Special K 380-
$5, 750g, 2 boxes;
, 750g or mini of Kellogg Corn FlakesWheats 540-555 g at $2. 99/box.
900 grams of pasta, 700-
275 cans of roasted peanuts and salted peanutsg tin at $1;
, Primo 900g pasta, canned tomato 796-
680 ml pasta sauce, 99 selected varieties;
, Cashmere bathroom paper towels 24-
Pack or double 12 s, select variety, $3.
88 restrictions per customer 4; , Galo extra-
Virgin olive oil 3-L tin $15;
, Maxwell instant coffee 104-
Selected varieties 255 grams, $3. 49;
Pasta, selected varieties, 900 grams of 99 cents;
Campbell broth 900-mL box $1. 99.
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