
Summer eat grilled fish hotpot knowledge industry information | | oven furnace grilled fish, roast mutton stove, grill, pizza oven - The artisan oven

by:Longzhao BBQ     2021-03-08
May be many people feel the summer hot weather, eat grilled fish hot pot easily lose our temper, bad to the body, actually this kind of idea is one-sided, actually summer eat grilled fish hotpot benefits a lot, grilled fish of chongqing hot pot today to tell you something about summer eat hot pot. Chongqing grilled fish franchisees to tell everyone: summer diet will first supply water, salt, potassium, calcium, magnesium, trace elements, electrolyte, nitrogenous substances and vitamins. In the hot pot material should be more green vegetables, tofu, eggs, lean meat, fish, chicken, duck, pork liver, eggplant, cucumber, bitter gourd, wax gourd, bamboo shoots, dandelion health food, the food can stimulate appetite, appetizing, spleen and stomach, helping digestion. And given to the human body rich amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, alkaloids, glycosides, bitter, can be refreshing to human body, eliminating hot and fatigue. A little rest after eating hot pot, and then drink a cup of cold drink can increase the body are the one induce antiviral components such as intake, less developed diarrhea, dysentery and other diseases. 1, cold ginger spicy taste, contains 0. 25% ~ 0. 3% of the volatile oil, the main ingredient of gingerol, ketone of ketene ginger, ginger, etc. , with sweat, cold chill cold, early clinical used in the treatment of exogenous cough, etc. 2, warm stomach ginger can spleen and stomach, encouraging sun be the spirit fu, promote the blood circulation, remove in the stomach cold product. 3 and analgesic ginger has obvious analgesic action, the reason is that the active components of ginger inhibit prostaglandin biosynthesis. Prostaglandins are released by the body damage or inflammation causes pain, inflammatory factors. Can be used in the treatment of joint pain, abdominal pain, stomach pain, menstrual cramps, burns, sprains, bruises, etc. 4, sterilization, ginger has antibacterial effect, especially on food contamination of salmonella is stronger. Ginger for external use have skin fungi and kill vaginal trichomoniasis inhibition. Summer eat grilled fish hot pot can enhance metabolism, help to solve the problems such as loss of appetite, chongqing suggest that we do not prevent try grilled fish napa stores. Next article: how to simple clean lampblack machine? The last: chongqing grilled fish nutritional value
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