
Barbecue grill skills industry information | | oven furnace grilled fish, roast mutton stove, grill, pizza oven - The artisan oven

by:Longzhao BBQ     2021-03-08
Put a layer of charcoal in the carbon online and pile into a pyramid, pour alcohol such as charcoal accelerant and fully absorbed, time for about a minute. Ignite prepared strip piece of paper into the furnace, a charcoal began to burn. If afraid of clean trouble under your charcoal a piece of aluminum foil, but be affected by a certain burning. Charcoal began to burn, with a small amount of black smoke. At this point and grilled net. Burning 10-15 minutes later, the fire gradually decrease or disappear, charcoal surface appear white ash, suggests that has reached the ideal temperature barbecue. At this point the charcoal evenly spread out, put hand at baking net, hand have hot feeling. Will need the barbecue food even in the middle of baking net, strive for various food heated evenly. In the process of barbecue according to the need to adjust the position of the food, so that each heat evenly. Such as grilled steak is big and thick food should be after cooked side to the other side, otherwise it will be hard to cook and is likely to be burned. Next article: grill positioned to starting from the product on a: eat barbecue health
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