
Detailed share barbecue equipment maintenance way industry information | | oven furnace grilled fish, roast mutton stove, grill, pizza oven - The artisan oven

by:Longzhao BBQ     2021-03-08
Everyone likes to eat barbecue, and relatives and friends get together and barbecue is a matter of how comfortable lively, in order to make the barbecue equipment has a better effect, we should to barbecue equipment regular maintenance. First, barbecue equipments to keep clean, remove the barbecue food remnants and residue or charcoal dust, grease, installing barbecue equipment in ventilated dry place. Second, barbecue equipment baking net to daub a layer of oil to prevent rust, don't pressure on barbecue equipment weights. Third, after using, barbecue equipment temperature down to room temperature after removing ashes, wipe on the barbecue equipment, including baking basin and baking net can be cleaned with water and cleaning brush. Fourth, to barbecue equipment dry with a clean dry cloth, when not barbecue equipment cover to cover. If often barbecue equipment for maintenance, not only can make the barbecue equipment has better use effect, can also extend the service life of barbecue equipment. Next article: parsing six head smokeless grill a: what causes the white mist after washing the grill equipment
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