
How do Japanese food equipment maintenance?

by:Longzhao BBQ     2021-03-08
Japanese food equipment more and more get the favour of people, if use and maintain undeserved can cause damage to equipment, so the user must attach importance to the maintenance of the equipment. Japanese food equipment should be how to maintain? Japanese food equipment cleaning, after each use of the Japanese equipment, immediately clean the surface of the steel plate equipment, and to wipe stain, ensure that the surface of the steel plate is bright and clean as new; Then you can use some salad oil drops on the surface of Japanese equipment, dab salad oil with a clean soft cloth to wipe it again, so the teppanyaki equipment will be more light; Teppanyaki set after cleaning, the cleaning and it related to something, stainless steel suction hood, oil and oil drawer, regularly to clean oil duct, to ensure that the air duct unobstructed; All check it again, to ensure that the next time you use this set of teppanyaki equipment is to be able to use. In addition, recommend the Japanese equipment before use check to make sure no problem after use, and if any problems in use shall be immediately shut down equipment for inspection, if you can't handle your looking for a manufacturer or maintenance personnel to deal with. A small make up: nana: Japanese barbecue grill after use under the maintenance of a: two meanings of a smoke-free barbecue grill
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