
How to eat barbecue health industry information | | oven furnace grilled fish, roast mutton stove, grill, pizza oven - The artisan oven

by:Longzhao BBQ     2021-03-08
Barbecue although delicious, but eat still not let us worry: barbecue because easy to cause cancer, sometimes will eat bad belly after eating. Nutritionists tell us: in fact, pay more attention to in the process of roast and eat delicious and healthy can have it all. Here, take a look at what a barbecue method is wrong: error 1: baked too coke burning in the material is easy to cause cancer, and meat oil drops to the fire of coals, the pahs can follow smoke volatile adhesion on food, is a strong carcinogen. Best solution: the barbecue aluminum foil paper, in order to avoid carcinogens. Once burned, must will be charred parts away, absolutely not edible. Put too much general error 2: BBQ sauce with soy sauce and so on, in front of the meat and bake when added to many barbecue, it leads to eat too much salt. Solution: the best way is to use a low salt soy sauce pickle, so don't need to use the barbecue sauce; Diluted before use or BBQ sauce and water, if so is too thin and not cleave, can add a little cornstarch sauce. Error: 3 students cooked food utensils used raw irrespective of the barbecue cooked dishes, chopsticks and other appliances not separate, easy to cause interaction infection and eat bad belly. Solution: to prepare two sets of tableware, in order to avoid the pollution of cooked food. In addition to barbecue method, we also concern the barbecue is too fat can figure out a way to solve. Concerns a: too much grease barbecue materials are generally meat food of high quantity of heat, plus use, such as barbecue oil content is high, easy to cause the body fat accumulation. Solution: choose a barbecue material as far as possible choose lean meat and high content of fatty acids in fish, do not eat fat, etc. Additional, still can match vegetables, to reduce the fat. In addition, keep eating slowly, after a meal to take more exercise, is a good way to burn fat. Concern 2: cholesterol is too high, too little fiber often is given priority to with meat and seafood BBQ, high cholesterol, fiber intake is often inadequate. Solution: should choose water bamboo, green pepper and other food, more and more intake of high vitamin C content in fruits such as oranges, not only the quantity of heat low, rich in vitamins, and rich pectin and fiber, can promote bowel movement, lower cholesterol. Next up: an article on the barbecue grill skills: the principle of type a smoke-free barbecue equipment
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